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Everything posted by Tbe

  1. Buddy, calm down. The thing I read was from one of the big UK papers. They were quoting an official from the WHO. I know the WHO has been full of poo on some things, but I just thought it was interesting. They said many of these kids were testing negative for Covid. I can’t find the link, but I’ll keep searching. Also, I haven’t voted for a republican in 20 years.
  2. Actually, now docs don’t believe that issue is caused by Covid. I’ll find the link, but basically they found that a number of kids with this disorder tested negative for Covid and Covid antibodies. They think this is the same autoimmune disorder (not Kawasaki) that has been around a long time and routinely impacts a small percentage of kids every year. If you’re wondering why the news isn’t reporting on this anymore, this is why.
  3. I was called delusional yesterday for basically saying this same thing. We can keep these types of practices in place while also opening a lot of businesses. Yes, bars and restaurants are screwed, but we can let other people get back to work.
  4. Ok? Keeping things shut down helps millions of people but also hurts millions of people. There is no perfect solution.
  5. You don’t. There is no win win. Life is not always easy or fair. Keeping things shut down to help one person seriously hurts another.
  6. Things will suck for many, but I’m not convinced of depression 2.0 yet. I was out today, and it’s clear many are starting to be ok with the risk. Stores have good protections in place, people are keeping their distance from each other, etc. By this fall, this will be normal for most. Yep, a ton of restaurants and other businesses will close. This is a big time recession. Unemployment will continue to be bad, but wage deflation (as bad as that sucks) will create employment opportunities in other areas. The “economy” is just human behavior. Let’s see how people deal with this in the long term.
  7. There will be a second wave, but the political pressure to not close everything again during the most important shopping season of the year will be substantial. Office workers will continue working from home through the fall which will have a significant impact. Stores and restaurants will continue to operate with caution but I don’t think things will close again. This will save us from the worst of the economic fall out. I was talking to a friend today. He’s an executive at a huge global consulting firm. They predict 60% of office workers will work from home permanently. Even after covid is gone. Commercial real estate and all the small businesses that are supported by workers going out for breakfast and lunch are going to be destroyed. New types of businesses will emerge though.
  8. True, but the US population has doubled since then. I’m sure Covid is worse if for no other reason than we have more elderly, obese and denser cities.
  9. We’re soft and the media is always looking for ways to scare people.
  10. Really sorry to hear that man. I don’t understand why t-mobile couldn’t keep people on. It’s not like people are cancelling their cell phone plans in mass.
  11. Very true. In this case though, I think it makes more sense to put that money in unemployment than to just send checks to everyone. The money will go farther.
  12. In what world is covering more skin a good thing?...lol
  13. Agreed. Those who say “it’s just economics” or “it’s just money” are most likely not feeling any pain themselves. I’ll be ok. I have unemployment, a side business, significant savings, and the ability to make ends meet other ways. At least for a while. A ton of people are not in that position. They will lose their homes, cars, not be able to go to college, etc. Many will burn through all of their savings and retirement which will have a life long impact on their quality of life. Those who can afford to stay at home for long periods of time without a care need to check their privilege before looking down on others.
  14. The IT and higher ed space.
  15. Even if everyone is allowed to go out and do anything they want, a significant number of people will be too scared to do anything. That fear is going to suppress the economy for a while. I really don’t think we will start to see the end of this thing until next year at this time. The good news is there seems to be a floor to this. Only so many people will stay home indefinitely. I expect 30%+ unemployment by The fall. If I’m brought back to work, I’ve been told it will most likely be at reduced pay. They expect revenue to be down 30% over the next 12 months so they want to try to structure compensation accordingly.
  16. Welp, I’m getting furloughed today. It’s probably 50-50 on whether I’ll get to come back in August. President and CFO project this will continue through the fall and into next spring.
  17. I’ve Did that test for the flu once. It sucks. The idea that people and kids are going to do that on a regular basis is unrealistic.
  18. True, they don’t know for sure if immunity to covid is real or how long it lasts. All viruses leave some level of immunity so this one most likely does. If it doesn’t, a vaccine will be impossible.
  19. Unless a breakthrough vaccine comes through, this thing won’t be eradicated for years. Herd immunity doesn’t happen until 80% of the population gets the disease. Staying home just prolongs that process. Full scale testing doesn’t eradicate it either. Just slows it down some. Bottom line, waiting for this thing to be ‘eradicated’ will result in massive employment and even bigger poverty driven public health issues.
  20. This is the most common sense discussion on what to do next that I’ve seen. It’s what many of us here have been saying and where everyone will be in a month or so.
  21. Lower education levels and Limited access to quality food. Most buy groceries from Walmart etc.
  22. Yep, that state votes republican 40/60. That 60% is just so consistent that the state is always blue. But yeah, it’s not what people think. PA is the same.
  23. Yeah, people in NC and Georgia are like people in every state except parts of New England and parts of California. All of our news and other media happen to come from those parts of NE and Cali so it just seems like we’re different.
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