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Everything posted by Tbe

  1. Lower education levels and Limited access to quality food. Most buy groceries from Walmart etc.
  2. Yep, that state votes republican 40/60. That 60% is just so consistent that the state is always blue. But yeah, it’s not what people think. PA is the same.
  3. Yeah, people in NC and Georgia are like people in every state except parts of New England and parts of California. All of our news and other media happen to come from those parts of NE and Cali so it just seems like we’re different.
  4. Yep, we are more reliant on tech than ever before. Deloitte just released their economic forecast and tech was at the top of the list of industries that will benefit most from this stuff. Internet buying will go up as physical stores close down.
  5. Yep. The total infection amount doesn’t change. Only the timing of those infections change. If going only by that model, I would think 45% social distancing (whatever that means) is more ideal as it gets this over with in a few months while staying under hospital capacity. The media is still running with this assumption that we can get down to 0 new infections if we quarantine long enough. That’s just not going to happen.
  6. My grandparents never trusted banks. I’m going to pull a Bill Gates and horde food in my basement for the next pandemic. Also pay off my mortgage ASAP.
  7. Tenn is saying the vast majority of their businesses will be open by May 1.
  8. I posted this a few pages back. Pretty incredible. I’m sure the actual infection rate is off the charts in NYC. I would love to take this test since I had a really strange flu like illness in mid February.
  9. One third of participants in a random street study tested positive. https://www.bostonglobe.com/2020/04/17/business/nearly-third-200-blood-samples-taken-chelsea-show-exposure-coronavirus/
  10. There is a theory that lower level staffers at this lab may have been selling lab animals to the wet markets under the table.
  11. So 85x higher than reported.
  12. Considering how contagious this is and the population density there, you have to believe a ton of people died or were critical before authorities even grasped what was going on. Either that or they knew what the virus was and that it was out very early. If so, I wonder how they figured it out so fast? *sarcasm*
  13. Yeah, I feel like there are going to be two different prediction models and response protocols in the end. 1) How does the virus spread in densely populated areas (NYC, Jersey, Italy) and what response is appropriate. 2) How does the virus spread in less dense populations (Sweden, much of the US) and what response is appropriate.
  14. He’s pulling those numbers out his @ss.
  15. I’m sure he has an açaí berry bill or a special colon detox plan to help.
  16. He said “2 to 3% in terms of total mortality.” Total, not 2-3% of kids. Is the mortality rate even that high among the elderly?
  17. Please get off Twitter. It’s way worse than Fox.
  18. I can’t stand Oz and fox, but that’s not what he said. He said reopening schools would increase the overall death rate by 2-3%. The data is clear, the risk of death in people under 20 is almost zero. That guy on twitter who made that claim about oz is a tool.
  19. It sounds like a lot of us will get it anyway. Now, or over the next 18 months. Anyway, are we sure a person can’t get it more than once?
  20. Harvard, etc. I’ve been hearing this a lot lately. "By permitting periods of transmission that reach higher prevalence than otherwise would be possible, they allow an accelerated acquisition of herd immunity," said co-author Marc Lipsitch. “Conversely, too much social distancing without respite can be a bad thing. “ https://www.sciencealert.com/new-study-suggests-repeated-bouts-of-social-distancing-may-be-needed-until-2022
  21. Everyone is saying multiple waves are inevitable. They expect on and off again quarantines to control the rate of infection, but we won’t get rid of this until a large percent of the population has immunity.
  22. This 100%. Everything I’ve read (cdc, Harvard researches, etc) says this isn’t going away and 40%+ of the population will eventually get it. We just need to do what we can to prevent overwhelming hospital capacity. Many areas are already there, so how do we let people get back to normal with some restrictions. Waiting for the infection number to reach zero is stupid since that isn’t happening.
  23. Agreed. There is no right answer. Right or wrong, the needs of the many will override the needs of the few.
  24. CDC, FEMA have drafted a national plan to reopen US, report says https://www.cnn.com/2020/04/14/us/cdc-fema-national-strategy/index.html
  25. Those were Harvard researchers, so no, they have no idea. This quote was interesting: ”Intermittent social distancing, while an immediate inconvenience, is actually delayed gratification in the sense that it will shorten the epidemic duration, as well as the total length of social distancing. It represents, the researchers wrote, “the only way to avoid overwhelming critical care capacity while building population immunity.” Basically, we need a lot of people to get the virus but at a rate the healthcare system can take care if them. Keeping everyone home forever won’t do this. Of course, off and on social distancing will leave a lot of people unemployed for a very long time. Long term unemployed people = people who can’t social distance.
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