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Everything posted by Tbe

  1. Those are one type of ‘outbreak spot’ that consistently comes up. It’s an essential service. Lots of people working closely together, taking it home to their families. More than one site in CLT has been closed down because of it.
  2. It’s unbelievable that only 7 states are requiring masks in public. Going into lockdowns every 2 months is not a sustainable strategy. We should be throwing every thing we have at this to avoid more lockdowns. I know the research on masks is mixed, but I can’t help but think the reduced social interaction that comes with mask wearing is an unstudied benefit. Every state that requires a mask in public is seeing dropping case numbers. BTW...50% of all Covid deaths in NC come from nursing homes. Im willing to bet a lot of our cases and hospitalizations are originating from construction sites and churches. From what I’m seeing, the smaller churches with older congregations are the primary ones trying to hold physical services. It makes sense since it’s been 3-4 weeks since the state court ruling.
  3. I’m no history major, so I don’t know. But, I can tell you I’m definitely not wearing a face mask.
  4. It works if everyone and their mom isn’t an essential service worker.
  5. We technically do that every time we elect someone who doesn’t ban driving, flying, swimming in the ocean, etc.
  6. And this right here is the disconnect between public health officials, medical professions, and much of the public. Zero acceptable casualty is a great target for the medical industry. It’s not that simple when creating public policy in a free society.
  7. So if X% of the population decides to not get the vaccine, they should be fired? That’s some authoritarian poo there. I get it for schools and healthcare workers, but jeez.
  8. This is the Memorial Day spike. Get ready for the protest spike. Regardless... You guys need to give up the dream that this thing is going to go away. Transmissions still occurred during the first lockdown. A second lockdown won’t eradicate it either. People are running out of money and patience. Both of those are social distancing killers. They won’t wear masks because ‘ma freedom’, and a vaccine is unlikely to come out anytime soon. If it does, a lot of people will refuse to get it. If masks were required by law we’d most likely get somewhere, but that isn’t happening. Btw...the nyc subway system reopened yesterday. That situation will be interesting to watch.
  9. As if the importance of masks wasn’t clear before, the example of the hair salon in Missouri is a good test case. 2 stylists tested positive. They exposed around 140 people. At this point, none of those people have tested positive, and the incubation period has passed. All wore masks, including the stylists in question. https://www.kmov.com/news/health-department-no-clients-contracted-covid-19-from-missouri-hair-salon-where-2-stylists-tested/article_cec3c4c8-678a-5b40-bc53-30d18e6dd1f6.html
  10. It’s worse than that. The WHO got it wrong about getting it wrong.
  11. That whole thing was amazing.
  12. In Seattle, the same nursing home staff were taking care of Covid and non Covid residents. Geez, I wonder how 80% got the virus?
  13. Factual news is now a commodity. These orgs can only differentiate and attract views via opinion, confirmation bias ego scratching, and manipulating emotions. My favorite news activity is to visit MSNBC.com, cnn.com, and Foxnews.com back to back. It’s funny and terrifying how each manipulates news to feed a narrative.
  14. Yeah, he’s getting pounced on by rule followers who won’t ever do anything. They’re followers. Your cousin is a leader. He just needs to understand how those people are wired and ignore them.
  15. When you look at personality types, a lot of people are rule followers. Rule followers are compelled to strictly adhere to these new social rules and to pressure others or be equally compliant, but they are not risk takers and will not take the lead to initiate change.
  16. It would have, but making and running 400 million tests a week is something no one has figured out how to do.
  17. The Minnesota protests started 10 or 11 days ago. It’s been at least 7 days for other parts of the country. If it happens, we’ll start seeing it soon.
  18. Yeah, you can get tested via CVS drive through. Also, the state is proactively testing people most at risk so they should be discovering more cases.
  19. https://nypost.com/2020/06/04/nyc-reports-no-new-coronavirus-deaths-for-first-time-since-mid-march/
  20. Yeah, it’s really hard for people to socially distance when they get desperate. In other words, It’s hard to social distance in a homeless shelter or when they’re forced to move in with extended family. It’s simple hierarchy of needs. The need for food and shelter will always out weigh the chance of getting sick. It’s easy to say people are dumb (and there is a lot of stupid), but we also don’t know what they’re up against.
  21. I did. I was talking about NC (replying to a post above yours). We’re still hovering at 7-8% positive rate. What’s happening here is all the rural areas that had low to zero cases for a long time are now seeing cases. It’s not huge numbers, but they add up. Those places were relaxed about this for a long time. I bet Texas and Arizona are the same way. It’s finally moving away from the cities in significant numbers.
  22. “Spikes” make good headlines but often mean nothing. NC has been consistently increasing their testing volume. They’ve also been going into vulnerable areas and testing people there proactively. Obviously, the number of cases will go up. Hospitalization numbers and percentage of positive tests are the thing to look at.
  23. For sure. There are 40 million people without jobs, benefits are running out, many have yet to receive benefits, personal savings are empty, millions more are losing jobs every month, repos and foreclosures will start soon, etc Nearly every high school and college graduate is jobless right now with little hope to get a job in the next 12-24 months. Economic depression + distrust/misbehavior of authorities + pandemic is pretty much a perfect storm.
  24. It sounds like Atlanta’s major is trying to slam the door on that.
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