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  1. I like the bot until it’s clear the team stinks.
  2. I would argue Moton would be considered great if he were on a winning team all these years and playing next to half decent guards.
  3. It’s interesting they didn’t do this earlier. Last year of his deal. Makes me think they wanted the option to move on after this season.
  4. Taylor Moton getting QB money over here.
  5. Unless our defense falls apart, I can’t imagine a scenario where a good QB + good OL + good receivers + good run game doesn’t translate to wins.
  6. The number of waiver claims made tells you what the FO thinks of this roster.
  7. We’re not looking for starters. Just better depth than we have now
  8. Speculation is the new staff is cleaning house of Ron Rivera picks. Seems like a bad move though. I hope we claim him.
  9. I would love to come out of this season with Ickey, Zavala, and Raym looking good. That would go a long way towards fixing our OL depth issues.
  10. He is but he’s behind Bryce a good bit. Doubtful Bryce could see him.
  11. He can’t practice if he’s on IR. No way they do that with their #1 pick.
  12. Not all the starters were in there. Also…the D wasn’t really challenged much last year since opposing offenses didn’t have to score much. When they did have to score, they seemed to be able to do it a will. Long story short, I don’t think our D last year was nearly as good as it looked.
  13. Who are the starters? I only saw 4 starters, but I didn’t get a great look at who was playing in the secondary.
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