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  1. Ever seen the Bill Burr routine where he talks about how nothing can prepare famous men for the platoon of women that will be running them down? Reminds me of these situations.
  2. He said his wife had been arrested twice for domestic assault. Lots of red flags with that one. I don’t condone it, but I understand going public like that. He wants to get even with the parties involved and get his wife fired from the ravens. Petty…sure…but I completely understand it. Let the man have his revenge.
  3. They showed her on the Jumbotron and the crowd booed…lol.
  4. That last interaction between Cam and Greg…..lol.
  5. The scouts have. The scouts were sold on Bryce before the season ended. Could be a similar situation.
  6. His terrible takes were entertaining….that gets attention…attention makes money.
  7. Ravens being petty and playing 4D chess.
  8. I’m a Bryce fan, and he can definitely make throws with guys in his face. But watching taller guys play, you see times when they are completely surrounded and the OL is in their lap and they can see and throw over that. Bryce can’t make that play but it seems like he is moving out of the pocket before that happens which is what he should do.
  9. Height. Not being able to stand in a collapsing pocket and throw over the line with linemen up against you. Thats pretty much it.
  10. The guy went from a future $20 mil a year contract to vet minimum in 10 games.
  11. I’m not complaining, just pointing out a tech issue. I did pay Jeremy $5/mo for years though. I don’t mind doing it again.
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