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Everything posted by Waldo

  1. The Bears traded back for another #1 pick. I doubt we get that lucky lol Depends on the situation. A decent QB would fix a lot of BS on the offensive side and there is a good line here now so far. Not sure this crew could do much more with it given the state of coaching throughout.
  2. November 10th is the fight to the first pick. Yay
  3. Well that is finally no longer an issue here. Now it's a matter of how long it takes the people running the team to figure it out. Another game like that and the pressure should be on from most directions if it isn't already.
  4. I have never understood that philosophy of avoidance. If a 6th round pick makes you sweat then what the hell is the D going to do to you? It's not a 1st or even a 2nd rounder then worry about you and go out there and prove why the other guy is a backup. It's not Madden and just tanking 17 games is stupid AF. What about the other guys needing reps to improve off of? That's terrible coaching and roster management. I would be pissed if I was the HC or other players and I was told to trout that out for another 16 games.
  5. Anything for a 6th or less is fine with me. I'm also fine with a PS guy who is at least fun to watch and can see the field. I would be happy to see PJ Walker lol. That's where I'm at. I don't trust this crew with a big trade and I don't trust their decision making in panic mode which appears to have started yesterday. At some point in the next few weeks it becomes an unavoidable conversation for DC. He didn't draft him and Dalton isn't going to last long. They need to find someone and just make a roster space for a swing in the dark they can try to coach up the rest of the year.
  6. Once he threw the first int from the pocket doing the stuff they worked on all offseason it all went out the window for Young and DC. The Saints picked up on how badly the blitz was being handled and DC didn't adjust because Young sure couldn't. It wasn't until garbage time in the 2nd and when the Saints pulled some starters that they scraped anything together but that was 100% fluff time.
  7. Find new hobbies. This place will be more fun then watching the team again this year unless DC grows a pair and ask Morgan to go find another QB for the roster to rotate in. I can watch not good football but I can't watch the crap they have fielded the last 2 years once the laugher dies down.
  8. I think Corbett had Hunt help him a few times, one was a sack from a delayed blitz I think. That may have effected it too. Hard to say because I was very well liquored up by kickoff. Still it's weird to see after the last few years we have had.
  9. I didn't mean to come off snarky or anything, it's just weird to see after years of him and no one else.
  10. Weird to see Moton as the weak link.
  11. It never existed. People just propping up Tepper's bad choices so it makes it easier to swallow IMO. The predictable 'give him a chance it's everyone else' is already in full swing again. After seeing a team so unprepared I don't know how anyone is OK with him at this point.
  12. Absolutely he didn't have anyone prepared. That's on him and his coaches including Evero. I won't be watching the 22 but I'm interested in why Evero regressed. Burns had 4 solo tackles yesterday for the Gaints and nothing else, it's not about him me thinks.
  13. They are also doing just fine without him...
  14. And that's why the Saints kept blitzing because he couldn't pick them up. There isn't play calling that's going to make Young look good unless they start playing college teams.
  15. In a renewal year for holders on the 4 year contract lol. If they get caught tanking he might be sueable.
  16. Take what you can get and this might be the only enjoyment to be had out of this season so have at it as much as you want.
  17. That why I said meh. Better than Tepper but who isn't? I'm not pinning for competitive every other year. For the money people pay this team they need to do better. There were good times but they were short lived and when JR got exposed it's hard for me to think kindly back on it all even if some spots were freaking sweet. I don't think we have seen a glimmer of meaningful change yet. Every retool avoids the massive rebuild they need from the holes they keep digging making terrible choices. That includes cleaning house IMO.
  18. Meh JR had his positives but he also was a tightwad that made his team practice in a hotel ballroom in the playoffs. Tepper makes most owners of professional sports look good. He is in Snyder zone without the non-football issues which is amazing really. I'm not missing JR, I'm missing the owner we never had yet.
  19. CMC was banged up for the 49ers 1st game this year, he held himself out of practice the day before I think they said. He is a stud but he does get dinged up often. I agree about Burns but then Tepper has to fire Rhule after year 2 or it wouldn't matter anyways with how that crew used him.
  20. Young can't pick them up. Even the announcers were blaming him on those. Said it's basic stuff you expect to see a 2nd year guy grasp. They also said they were blitzing more than normal but it was effective.
  21. Not if they have to run the offense out of the spread and shotgun the entire time just so Young can see some of the field. Not being able to run under center only leaves a quick spread offense to run and that is not DC's bag. Basically what NE ran early with TB and even they had some stuff under center.
  22. I came to see this Hope and if she had any personality. There is no signs of hope anywhere. The best player is now hurt and this entire build is a joke. Panther's Hope
  23. I'm still not sure he survived the last game. If you told me that was his ghost I would believe it.
  24. More college hype. That's how we got Young. It's just easier to see when it's an attitude problem that stands out like that.
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