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Everything posted by Waldo

  1. People fell in love with Tua in college. He has looked bad, not just rookie bad. I get it, people want him to do well. Maybe he can turn it around but I have seen what I expect to see out of him at the NFL level. So far, Miami made a mistake on a guy who peeked in college. I didn't want Tua last year and I want him less this year. They both have said that about their current QBs but until they don't, both can upgrade over what they have, at least on paper.
  2. If you don't get good at QB there is no hope. Better is just staff covering their asses or doing something because they can't do something good. That is very shortsighted, risky and I'm not very forgiving of their desperations. You are right, at least it is exciting. It would be a lot more enjoyable if we had a good QB and could sit back and enjoy the show. At this rate, we are getting a 2nd for Teddy yet?
  3. We get rid of the Two Gloved Two Yards monster and don't have to take Cousins? Yes please don't wake me up
  4. I just don't get it. People paying top dollar for known commodities so the seller can go replace them with a better option. Just bananas. At least the Rams are making a legit attempt at a run, the proposed deals all have us being privileged to treadwater at a premium. At this point, just keep the 8th and see what the draft brings.
  5. Maybe, don't know who wants to buy tho. It looked like their GM saw him as the answer or it was a player dump for draft capital. The second is ruthless but effective and the first is extremely suspect. If they did a cash dump and can turn around and get another pick, that GM has impressed me for sure. With his ties I suspect they will give him a shot. What if Goff and their 1sts was part of a deal for Watson. Lol it's crazy season
  6. Lolz just keep coming. We spend value to bring in anyone being cast aside by bad teams so they can make a deal for a good prospect. Fug that. Draft a QB because apparently if they are duds then we can still trade them for at least a #8 pick to get another chance at a non-dud.
  7. Tua and Darnold are both worth replacing so I assume they will pick QBs until they prove otherwise. Who knows, bad teams make bad decisions. I sure hope we luck into a drafted QB this year. Thr other options are bleak as hell. I don't even think Goff is safe, it looked like a contract dump to me over a talent acquisition.
  8. Everyone looking at the Panthers and their QB need like
  9. This QB needy offseason is starting to feel like reading a menu at a restaurant that serves Leftovers as an entre.
  10. If it is EA I just assume it is broke and will not work right.
  11. There are plenty of concerns, his supposed scouting background being a positive is one of mine. I haven't been very impressed with Seattle's talent evaluation since their scouting guru left to kill his carrier with WTF. To this day, they are keeping their heads above water from the work he did, that is impressive. They want some respect for me it's going to have to be earned. I'm a fan, not a cheerleader. I hope they can pull it off and prove what we all hope but that doesn't mean the concerns just evaporate away without them proving them to not be an issue.
  12. The move makes sense for the Rams. They are a playoff team and Stafford is the missing piece. We were hoping Stafford makes us a playoff team. Not the same thing at all. I do not like how rushed this felt. We would give up our chance at options to lock in with Stafford way before getting into free agency or time for the new GM to get his feet under him. No thank you.
  13. One year deal, at the minimum an upgrade over Teddy. Then we could draft and sit a rookie. No deal if he wants any guarantees in 2022.
  14. Sadly better than our LT options currently. Man I hope that changes soon. Still, good coaching should help this less then desired situation. Hard to get to the SB without injuries. TB has to know to throw speed at him for 4 quarters non stop.
  15. I like Rhule as a HC, not as a HC in charge. Not sure how Fritters fits in but there are plenty of reasons to doubt. This trade with thr amount of time he has had to take in the team leaves me concerned about thr level of dumb incoming.
  16. Final say on the roster is a huge power. Especially from a guy that isn't interested in player evaluation. That makes this dynamic a different and interesting to see how it goes.
  17. That is what it sounds like they are pitching, it's just that during the hiring process it sounded like Rhule gave his blessing to find someone who would work that way with him. Tepper is certainly the boss, to call his football IQ young is polite. I don't get the feeling that we are doing it the way Ron is running WTF, a sad attempt at the NE model. Still, I'm not sure Rhule is 50/50 power split with Fritters. It's just too young to confirm yet.
  18. Meh, senior bowl is just the NCAA giving a kick back to less talented players that stayed in school. There really isn't a QB I would be happy with in the pack.
  19. I hope so otherwise anyone in front of him is just so amazing.
  20. Don't you know that all QBs have to play to 45 like Brees and Brady. It's thr new normal.
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