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Everything posted by Waldo

  1. Fritters not looking very good so far. This would have been a massive fail for us. I don't have an issue with exploring options but the #8 for Stafford with our roster issues is concerning approach to roster building.
  2. That's very disappointing to hear. It's gross like ketchup on a steak.
  3. I agree. Not sure about which post you are referring to in regards to aging well. The Rams are dealing away 1st to get to a SB. The Seahawks trade back and go for volume to get a SB. Both look like viable options but when done regularly it's a little suspect.
  4. I'm not convinced Teddy is on this team regardless next season. There are plenty of other backups we could have starting as a long shot to do something more with an opportunity.
  5. It's a talented roster for sure. I was just notating that they have leaned towards a gamblers approach in recent years and that's fine sporadically but not something I would be happy with they way the Rams roll with it.
  6. Yall are discounting the risk the Rams are taking. They are also dumping their last drafted QB. I don't want to take the Rams path, seems like a lot of unnecessary risk. If Stafford went down with an injury this can blow up in their faces. KC spending 2 first and a 3rd on Mahomes, yes please! I just like the KC approach more. Some drafting, some dealing pucks for players and some free agency acquisitions. This approavh and its well roundedness vs the Rams all in gamble, I would choose KC all day.
  7. To me the relevance is that there can be droughts. If you see a franchise QB, jump on it. If you see a franchise LT, jump on it. There are still options and sometimes the best option is still garbage. All that is huge.
  8. Nasty drought there for a few years. We lucked in with Cam. Since 2017 that has changed. Watson and Mahomes in the 1st, yes please and thank you.
  9. I am so glad we are not a part of any of this.
  10. Hopefully it is like what we did at GM, look at everything but this time we can low ball with a minimum offer and fill a 90 man roster. I don't want to linger on what happens if we can't get a good QB this offseason.
  11. Sadly that's probably what the Texans are thinking right now, at least the owner and his pet goober.
  12. I get why Holmes would see it that way, you make a great connection on why this could happen, it just doesn't look like a very good path to improving by trading for a worse QB with a worse contract. This just looks like a win for the Rams and the Lions one step back under 'new management'. If I was a Lions fan, I would see this as a huge downgrade.
  13. Chris Weinke 2.0. Good WRs and peaked in college.
  14. So this was the guy who was willing to work with Wentz and got hired...poor bastard. His plan I will enjoy watching unfold.
  15. That is crazy. I don't know how well he plays but he passed the test of toughness and buying in. Sucks that the answer should be no.
  16. I was watching a couple of videos on this guy and he reminds me of Chris Wienke. I don't see a reason for the hype.
  17. Looks like worst case scenario. Watson is done but someone/s with the team can't back down. What a mess. No one is giving what they asked and it looks like Houston is dumb enough to make him sit. Bell did it, every indication is Watson could.
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