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Everything posted by Waldo

  1. And if I remember it was to make a run in 2019 on the cheap to save both Ron and Marty...two failures in two years. Classic Hurney
  2. I completely forgot it was a restructure on his original 2017 deal.
  3. Good player that should never got the contract extension we have been choking on the last two years. He is done now but I sure enjoyed his dominate years.
  4. Great story, cool guy and becoming a better player continously. Nothing but love and hope here.
  5. Woah, way too young. Crazy and very suspicious.
  6. In 2 or 3 years the implosion will be epic.
  7. They should be using a draft pick to unload that contract. We should have offered Teddy and asked for a 3rd. The Bears going from the terrible T to the ruined W is just fun to watch. A parade of broken dreams if you will.
  8. My fear is that we didn't set him up for success and since we hired him before the GM, we missed out on the good GMs. The only way to rectify that is to clean house. If Fritters bombs it's heading to a house cleaning or we make the same mistake and carry over the crap that doesn't work.
  9. No sir. Not getting into the sewage of TB. The biggest mistake wasn't firing Hurney. He should have been fired before Ron and replaced with the guy who wouldn't work under Hurney. It's a wasted year and we ended up with Teddy and a bunch of other contracts we need to get away from. I think if the new crew stinks it up there will be a lot of noise made to clean house again sooner than later.
  10. Anyone else remember when people tried to convince us that he is a franchise QB or would be in our new O?
  11. Free agency is best for prove it deals or teams looking for their missing piece, it looks like anything else results in deals like Kalil and Teddy.
  12. 3 looks to cost too much. I want to see what happens at 4 before pulling a trade. It sure would be nice to have some picks for talent to build around a QB.
  13. With Carr it being an expansion team is enough to justify possibly passing in my mind. As you said they are always bad, in this case they never built that dude an Oline. Looks like a good example of when a player might not want that to happen. If anything, that was under the old pay scale and he got some ungodly amount right? Now a player would have a lot more to lose. RG3 did have issue coming out, maybe a good time to see who wants to draft you and what they want to do with you? They allowed that kid to run himself into oblivion due to bad coaching under stress to keep his job and after they watched Cam be a rookie freak they thought an injured kid could do the same with completely different body types? If I was as fragile, I sure as hell would want to find a route that lets me earn longer. A HC doing anything to keep his job over my career? Nope. Just examples of why it didn't work and why a player might pass, especially with a nerfed rookie contract. Again, I would in some cases. Stafford is a great example. Makes me wonder if the money was enough. I just like to win and not work with and under idiots. I completely agree about the players taking responsibility but after the first year dynamics can change fast and not always for the better. I think it is more complicated that a yes/no answer. Lots of gray. If the player at the time of the contract doesn't see the organization doing wrong then don't fault them for wanting change when the organization takes a nose dive or does awful things. It's why I don't feel sorry for Teddy and really don't care what he thinks, he took the money and it was obvious he was going to be the same guy on a bad team which puts him in a tougher spot. Oh well.
  14. Rookie contracts are not very long, especially outside the first. I think the payday is fine for most positions but QB is one where you can get RG3ed or Carred in a poorly run franchises. I just value good play at QB for the NFL over a crazy franchise's right to waste more talent at a position where there just isn't enough good players in total in the league.
  15. I get it but I wasn't looking at it as too much against the parity but punishment for bad teams being run badly. Also, im not sure most draft prospects have that power, just QBs in the very top of the draft. I look at it as a glove slap to the face more than ruining thr parity. If the team learns thr player is not going to play then they can trade that for a ransom and trade or draft another player. Hard to say SD was devastated by having to go with Rivers.
  16. Yes but also smart. Why not if your landing spot looks bad for you and you have that power? I would.
  17. I'm a little torn. I support a player asking for help and even demanding it but 'personal control' is out of thr question for me. If the team is that bad at personal management just go somewhere else. I also don't have a problem with the new and current balance where each side has some actions they can take in thr process. Franchise tag can work but it can also blow up in a team's face if they are stupid about the situation. I also like players having a trade clause or ability to sit to counter the teams ability to break a contract at any time. For me it is all about balance.
  18. Seems like a real long shot but I have no issues knowing the top 4 draft QB prospects thoroughly. If we can look at some of the QBs we have already this offseason then we can do this due dillagence.
  19. Please don't be in on this deal before the 3rd round.
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