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Everything posted by Waldo

  1. Yup, just figured Teddy had no value to the Texans. Might have to give up draft capital to unload him, fug that. Meh on the rest. The better the player the more the Texans will have to pay anyways, outside of Brown and Chinn who are going into the 2nd year, the rest would start asking for a new contract after a trade. If a team trades for you they either want you and will pay or your just filler to get it done. Teddy would be filler but the rest could be an upgrade for the Texans. I'm hoping for the draft anyways, Watson's price is just too damn high right now and the players I would like to see traded just don't have great value in this trade.
  2. Guys on my 'if we have to trade a player' list in no order CMC, Shaq and Jackson. One is due a contract soon and I want no part of that. The other two are good players with contracts that were put together by an absolute POS GM. After those three it gets tough and I am not excited at all about the thought of trading them. Burns is a beast but he doesn't seem to be the healthiest player, impossible to predict until it's a known issue. Brown is a beast but DT isn't the hardest position to find decent players. Chinn is a beast and I would take him off the board totally, we would need to find a clone (lol) or get 2 players to do what he does.
  3. If this comes down to a bad deal 'at any cost' then I hope those idiots try force him to stay.
  4. Awesome stuff! Still love some Lance. Having to go to 2 for Wilson doesn't seem worth thr extra price and I figure Lawrence is already gone. Fields looks like the most likely to fail. At this point Lance looks like the closest best option.
  5. One I can ignore and the other will be shoved down my throat because there isn't football yet. If they had a better product then it could be fun.
  6. Different lenses. One hypes the season trying to make hype out of longshot guys, any drama they can get. The other is more documentation of thr season and because it is after the fact they get a more realistic feel because it's not usable against with the season being over.
  7. Great news. Gives our new GM more time before being able to pull that huge trigger.
  8. Are we sure this isn't another settlement hidden in a 'gift'?
  9. So lame. I can't belive this BS is still going on. It's basically the equivalent of reality TV for men. All or nothing was legit.
  10. I like how it starts and the positional picks but I have no idea about anyone but Lance. I can't think of a year where I did less to look at prospects. Maybe we trade our draft away or go in like this to the draft. I literally have no idea this year.
  11. People thought Clausen was a good option. I don't really care what Weiss thinks. I hope we get to play against Jones twice a year, that's all that need to be said about that dead end.
  12. Watson, then the draft and plan C would be any trash laying around after the draft. Either way, 1 year deal as far as guarantees max for not the future. Thats a lesson I hope we learned from the Teddy failure.
  13. Until prodays and any interviews are heavily underway, I hope it stays up in the air. It would be nice to see fully what is on the table. Willson going to the Jets sounds like a real fun time for us, either way.
  14. Because we made a big mistake. A GM trying to keep his job who's go to move is one move to win this year, a new owner who doesn't know much but knows he needs to win, new coaches with little NFL experience and no one in the room to know better is how we ended up with Teddy last year and now this year. I think all parties had a hand in this mistake. Hopefully they all learned something from that massive failure.
  15. I'm fine if we miss on a franchise QB as long as we don't panic and let desperation allow us to do something stupid or roll out Teddy another year. Just fix the oline, maybe find a CB and sign a jag at QB to a one year deal if we can't land a legit QB.
  16. I am going to love this show. Complete trainwreck incoming and its going to be beautiful. LoLz
  17. If he stays at RB, his time is limited as history has shown. With his skill set, the real question is does he or the team want a RB or a freak playmaker? Let CMC fill the role Samuel's had last year and find a couple of cheap options like we did with Davis.
  18. In before 'We have a chance at the injured cast off, in on every deal' lol. Sounds like they don't want to openly torpedo their 2nd year franchise QB. I don't blame them, I would love this move if I was a Fins fan. Not a team I want to get in a bidding war against.
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