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Everything posted by Waldo

  1. If this goes as bad as it smells right now, being super early and all, we still have enough time in our 5 year plan to fire Fritters, take all personal control away from Rhule and hire the GM we should have hired before Rhule. That's the worst case I guess.
  2. That's a big part of what makes it terrible. Can't rely on the unreliable. If we were trying for random backups with legitimate starters, ok. Weird but ok. We have 2 starters and Scott for 4 to 6 games. We could have targeted better players for this role.
  3. So if this is the guy who is lame duck until they fire him, then who is the genius that doesn't understand cheap and upside, not overly expensive and hurt while only grasping the concept of 'positional flexibility'? Terrible signings for the cost. Vet minimum at best players quality.
  4. One year of experience as a scout. Not the guy running anything.
  5. I hope neither see the field. I love the cheap hungry guys in free agency but we wasted money on two injured and really bad players. this looks like amateur hour honestly. who the fug is our pro-personel expert now?
  6. Wow, we look like we have no damn sense. We have wasted how much of our cap on guys who will have trouble staying healthy enough to be a backup, and not even a decent backup.
  7. 2 bad deals with 2 bad players. If Fritters isn't a God in the draft then he will be renamed to Shitters by the end of this offseason with how this is going so far.
  8. So we are jumping on bad Olinemen on the first day like these scrubs will be gone soon? Who the hell is our pro-personel guy and is he blind or have head trauma? Our backups will be too injured to sit on a bench.
  9. This is a backup and shouldn't be starting. If we draft an OG on day 3 they should be a better contender as a starter than this guy. Cheap but still more guaranteed then he should have got.
  10. At this point I would rather run a year of wild cat over Teddy or Mac. The football would be more fun and less depressing.
  11. I'm with you on this one Verge. Work on the Oline and turn him loose.
  12. I hope this is true. I wish we had the 100% facts on last season. So many questions.
  13. Lance looked great. A little raw but thats cool from the armature ranks when you have a real coaching staff. I also don't give a poop about the running, he looks to want to be a QB and not a run first QB on the NFL. Willson did it, Lance has all to tools to also pull it off. As far as QBs go, he has everything you could ask for when not picking 1st overall. This guy not playing this year allowed us to have a chance at a real QB and not a 1st round backup like Jones. At this point, it's all about what the staff on hand thinks.
  14. If they use the words cuck or simp you know what their fantasies are and their IQ is under 100. This is what the ignore function is for.
  15. Damn that does not sound like fun drinking. Crazy, back then they also didn't check for concusions. I wonder how much was bumped in the huddle in the 90s with the Cowboys. I assume it snowed in Dallas a lot by the stories I have heard over the years.
  16. Great sign. I wasn't sure how negotiations were going and how the tag would shake down with him. All positive so far.
  17. Damn straight. If we have tradable players, those three should be off the board. I can't wait to see what they can do this year.
  18. Even if we don't get him, how fun. Fug the Texans, I hope they get the #2 and take Jones lol.
  19. The butts in seats results in much more sales. I'm buying my PSL but it doesn't mean I'm going to a game. I can give those to family and friends or sale them. Real easy, he makes more money with more people in the stadium.
  20. The chances we roll into next year with Teddy without a change of direction is probably dictated by Tepper. He won't let that happen, he has tickets to sell and Teddy won't help that in any positive way and he knows it. I have no idea what will happen but something will happen. I'm just hoping we have a great eye for talent and enough brains to not do something dumb. Either way, Teddy ain't an answer at this point. We even sat the dude for an XFL QB. It's over either way. Tepper needs butts in seats and Teddy can't do that. The cap is wasted either way with Teddy, he is gone It's just how at this point.
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