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Everything posted by Waldo

  1. He absolutely should get forced out, no way he wasn't going to be connected somehow to the poopshow that has happened there. Slimy fugger. I'm also happy to watch him continue to lay turds left and right. I hate WTF and he guarantees they will suck forever.
  2. And I'm fine with that within reason. Dude is going to get paid. We still need to make a good decision and figure out if it is a one year window or 4ish.
  3. Wilson is sitting firmly at #2 now. Of course it could hurt him but he isn't going to hop to #1 unless Lawrence breaks a knee or an elbow. Fields and Lance are make or break. Top 10 or else. At least that is where it stands going into prodays.
  4. Absolutly. If those two are no-gos then we have a hard road in front of us.
  5. Tag works if he allows it. We at least get him in 2021 and if we can't come to a long term deal then we can see if it's worth a long term deal in 2022 or if we filled enough holes we can go with a rookie. 8f we do come to a long term deal then look for a rookie at LT, a vet OG and a rookie RG. Affordable and doable with this draft. That LT tho lol hard to pretend that's going to be easy
  6. It's still too early this year. Their prodays and interviews will be key. Fields and Lance need to shine or else. Fug Mac, not in the discussion.
  7. He is getting cut and no one won. We dumped a larger contract and they got rid of the guy who played less then the guy they traded for. Okung and Turner.
  8. I'm always happy for football, I'm just not wasting that driving time to drink and watch a poorly run or constructed team, I can do a lot more of that from home. Hopefully it's worth it this year. I'm not driving to watch Teddy, Sam Darnoldson or Mac Jones quality lead teams.
  9. Sounds like a professional to me and smart. College ball means nothing except for the players that will not make it to the NFL. Just practice anyways. Go Lance.
  10. Looked promising early and then the olines gelled and he disappeared. Backup and meh in our system.
  11. I have tried so many things with mayo in it feels like fair game.
  12. Sounds fun. Maybe I'll make some slaw for a party and see what happens on the buffet. Thanks for the idea for a miracle whip bomb.
  13. What's the difference? Both add nothing positive and only slather nasty all over anything.
  14. Mayo is the devil's favorite condiment. Gross.
  15. Yup. As long as they are not losing, I don't see why anything will change until Rus is gone. It's crazy to think they are trying to trade him, yeah his ask is dumb but he is also the one keeping the team relevant as far as roster goes.
  16. The ownership in Seattle is reported to be way hands off. It was on PFT the other day and I have heard those rumors for some time.
  17. If we can't trade for Watson or draft one, then its whoever is a free agent after the draft on a 1 year deal. Fug wasting any value on another dud.
  18. Has he by chance picked up a crack habit during the pandemic? I'm guessing this is going to be a really off offseason. Usually after the combine things begin to settle.
  19. Or you have the complete opposite in Seattle where ownership is a ghost and the lack of any pressure has allowed the staff to put it on cruise control and stagnate while they coast on Wilson's production. Best option is ownership that is hands off micro managing but still let's the staff know to produce or else. Tepper doesn't know anything meaningful about football. Either he hired well or he will fail.
  20. How about a bunch of evil mistakes, pick one?
  21. This isn't the lesser of two evils, it's a bunch of fails. These options are how people deserve to get fired.
  22. So is Easterby's hand up his butt or is this puppet a total animatronic?
  23. Terrible news. Has Reid even been charged or sued yet?
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