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Everything posted by Waldo

  1. I'm happy for the dude to get his money, I just wish he went somewhere that would know how to use him. Ron didn't do that well with him at all.
  2. Good get for Rhule and Snow at a good price. He has been wasted in Arizone, he is going to explode here and get expensive quickly.
  3. If we trade for Watson and fug up in free agency with the holes we would have at best of draft picks lost then that would require another turn around. Look I hope it works and we don't do a ridiculous deal and get a great QB. Yeah Houston had winning seasons but they also were weak as hell in the playoffs for years and then started making really bad decisions that resulted in 4 wins with a good QB. I hope it's better but the fact is it is possible it gets worse. All we can do is see how it shakes down, there are zero guarantees that are not in contracts.
  4. There is a chance we could be tho. The range of possibilities actually has a chunk which consists of worse than the last 5 years. Again look at the Jags and Jets. If we fug up we could end up in a couple of years of cleanup before we talk turnaround. I would use the Texans as an example of how bad it can get but they are special bad right now.
  5. Bucs have been smarter about free agency lately, they won big on the Brady bet. Aranus learned a lot in the league from past mistakes over the years I guess. Hell I didn't think Brady had enough to make it through the year. The Jags spend tons and piss it all away while picking top 5 every year. It's been incredible. Jets up their too. Miami gets a nod.
  6. And spending big in free agency always works. It's so much easier then the draft, just overpay for talent left and right and draft like poo. Works great for the Jags every year.
  7. Say it with me. The best ability is availability. Our health plan must be amazing because we are getting every injured guy out there.
  8. A lot of it puzzle's me. Did Tepper buy a hospital or rebab center because we are going after injured guys like injuries don't matter. KK is toast. Who the hell thinks he can stay healthy enough for long enough to be worth a vet minimum 1 year deal? The big picture looks like
  9. Weird flex on a good price for his production. Would be fine if he didn't fit with a change to the system but for that price how are we going to replace that production for less? This move, the Kerr move and asking KK if he wants back for nothing when he hasn't played much over the last few years...I just don't see it as positives. Add on the very questionable Oline signings and it sends a very mixed message. Don't pay guys who have produced here for guys who didn't play much or well elsewhere. Not sure how the rest of this will shake down.
  10. I will have to keep hoping someone outside us.
  11. Seatle showing some brains. Without Willson people getting fired there. They have been coasting since they blew a SB. Crazy deal, too damn much really
  12. That's the hope because that model = massive failure. Edit: wait are you saying what I said wasn't true because it's a fact twice with one freebie
  13. He blocked well on run plays. No idea how this guy didn't get more time at TE last year.
  14. That would be dumb and sad. Owners make terrible football decisions and this one kept Hurney willingly.
  15. I stopped at 'Tepper should'. Go to games, sit in suite and wave. That's what he should do now.
  16. At this point, I don't want Tepper involved with football decisions. Either he hired good people or not. He brings noting positive on the football side, keeping Ron and then Hurney proved that.
  17. Problems solved. Easterby wins again. We may stink as a team but it's nice to not be Houston.
  18. You know there is a solid possibility that she was as bad as Hardy? After the facts came in, they both sounded like POSs. This is a different sitituation as it stands. The lawyer has credibility issues and ties to an owner with no credibility and a history of heavy and dumb BS. With the timing, it reeks of awefulness.
  19. Wow, this reeks. The timing, the lawyer and the connections. If this turns out to be what it looks like, can anything splash back on McNair? Maybe Watson has some issues and that deserves space to develope, it just reeks of BS and more terribleness out of Houston.
  20. I never liked the cost anyone was talking about. We will see what happens up to the draft. This is going to be endlessly dramatic until then. The click making moronic situation from the bozos in Houston will go on unfortunately. At this point I would be happy to just have it take a QB needy team off the board for us.
  21. Trainwreck waste of talent incoming. JagDouche owner just hired his Saban/Kelly can't miss guy and will be completely surprised when it doesn't work out. I just wonder if they ruin Lawrence or if we will get to see him on a real team in 5 years.
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