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Everything posted by Waldo

  1. I agree but that is not what the players are pushing for.
  2. I honestly think they should take less overall for a fully guaranteed contract and I don't see any positive for making longer deals in that scenario. I don't want Lamar because he wants both. Is he worth a big contract? Sure. Fully guaranteed at that level for more than 2 or 3 years? Hell no thank you very much. Hate it for him but the Ravens are smart to just tag and trade him to someone dumb enough to make that mistake. I just don't see how it's going to work or make the game better, it's already hobbled 2 teams for years more. I don't expect to see players stop trying anytime soon, I just hope more teams don't cave into doing deals like that.
  3. Agreed. I really have had a problem with bottomless and the cap is dead, other than that I agree. Fully guaranteed contracts look to be another wrench for that system. It looks bad for Denver and Cleveland even utilizing the new cap approach.
  4. You are contradicting yourself. If it's a bottomless well then why do the Saints have to figure it out? They went into this year dropping their LT and rolling with Hill and Watson because that was the best they could do with unlimited cap? It isn't real because it has evolved into a new way to use the same system? The cap still exist it's just being used in a new way. It is not dead and it does exist, even if you can't see it. It just isn't what it used to be, it evolved. I'm not even sure the competitiveness is not a wash at this point if every team is using it, again it adjusted and just works in a way that is beyond the original intent but still in the same mold. They can still only spend the same money that year under the cap no matter how they cut it up. The only competitive advantage was when the Saints figured it out and the rest of the league was trying to understand, that time has passed. Every penny of those contracts gets fit under the cap in some way so the only difference in how different teams deal with it is how they handle their internal cash flow. I do not belive this is like baseball and the As, otherwise how does GB afford Rodgers? Because the NFL's cap is well below the NFL team's revenues so no team is put into that position unless they are managed poorly into that position (which I would need an example of because most of the piss poor management is roster and employees related, not profit). The NFL will never go back to the old way, like Scott said, unless they or the NFLPA force it IMO. All I am saying is that it is still in the trial and error phase of the new chapter with it being used this way. Both the Saints and Rams have shown downsides to go along with the massive upside. I think there will be some more failures as teams figure out how to use this but also not fug themselves so drastically than those two examples. Every loophole should be taken advantage of but this one looks like the new normal. Neither the owners or NFLPA has any issues with it moving forward from what anything I have seen or heard.
  5. The limit is real, they cheat the system by pushing dead money forward, they are still under the cap that year. It's a new way to manipulate the old system but people act like it's a bottomless well and it's not. The Saints already proved that. Saying it's not real is incorrect and missleading. It's ellastic and allows for a lot of creativity in dealing with cash flow, now ans in the future. That saying is just incorect but I get what you are intending. I still think it will receed a little bit back into a system where it is used and cleaned up in cycles not as large as the Saints or Rams used. It's such a scorched earth stratagy. The fact the Saints did it so long without another ring should be a case study at some point for the NFL.
  6. It is real it is just different. The fact that signing underperforming players can catchup to you is just one way to prove it is very real. The 'the cap is not real' is completely missleading and not true. It's different but the 18 mil we owe CMC this year is real and will force us to push more and more, certainly not all top players, further and further back. Some of that makes sense and I think others are just people overusing or missused to being able to cheat the system. I absolutly belive that if you don't have a franchise QB contract on the books then there shouldn't be a huge, not zero but also not every deal, need for this unless you have really bad cntracts on the books, much like CMCs. The teams that won a SB with this method are having issues overcoming it. Watching the Rams HC walk to get away from it just like Payton is also part of that process. It is so real that they know the tallent isn't enough to make it work when it's that big of a hole.
  7. I really don't like our cap guy. This screams to me 'I'm the smartest guy, look how smart I am'. At least the Saints were doing this for pro-bowler quality players lol. Embarrassing but U don't think it will change yet.
  8. Not true. It is very real but it is also more elastic than the traditional approach acknowledges. I hope to hear a retreat from that careless appraoch and to some place in between those 2 operating styles.
  9. To do it with out a franchise QB sized contract on the books is just embarrassing that they are doing this needlessly. And the money wasted on underperforming contracts, it would be funny on any other team.
  10. All signs point to this crew re-doing deals and pushing dead cap back Saints style again. I don't like it but it seems to be what Tepper and the cap guy want to do. Until they don't I am going to assume they will follow that style of opperating. I hear you but I don't think it's that big of deal yet. We need both this year anyways until we resign Bozeman and we definitely need another DE.
  11. Oline and Dline have a big effect on the game and there is a constant need for those big bodies. There are never enough draft picks and I doubt we could always pull it off but due to nature of the game and positions it's a solid strategy to shoot for, even if you can only get one or thr other that year. I understand there are no guarantees in the draft but it's a solid appraoch for the NFL.
  12. Draft a Olinemand and Dlineman in every draft at some point would be a very practical approach.
  13. No thank you to Wilson. I also belive It's fully guaranteed so the Broncos are stuck with him regardless.
  14. Be the seller and not the buyer in the mega trades. I'm fine with using a 2nd but that is about it for me.
  15. I couldn't give away tickets to the Lions game and that was to people who like the cold. Let that sink in... It goes both ways hard with Wilks.
  16. 1 year. I bet the fans turn then because it would really be like his 2nd year more than his first year. If we were not winning at the end of next year it would get rough for him. There would be no Rhule curve next year to hide behind. I don't think it matters and even Tepper knows the stands would remain empty if Wilks is rehired. He amps up the players really well and not the customers which is a problem the players don't see or care about. Tepper sends out questionnaires regularly so he probably knows the temp of the customer base at this point.
  17. He is going to work in TV and jump back into coaching when he sees a juicy target. We are not that so no.
  18. Just draft a guy and do the on the job learning thing behind a good oline.
  19. I won't miss Wilks like I didn't miss Rivera. Rhule was a gaint mistake but I still wouldn't go back to either at this point. If Tepper can't do better than all 3 of those then there really isn't a point to all of this. If he won't try then it's heartbreaking but life is short and eating sh$t every year is getting really old.
  20. It worked out so well for Wilks. I get it, it's money. But if you were on a solid career trajectory why would you settle for Arizona and their known issues? To work with Murray? I can't see the great or even good prospects going there and I have zero faith they will hire a GM that isn't dogshite. This looks like a spot for someone rehabbing their careers or someone young or not really talented that knows they need to take any shot they can.
  21. How about Burns and a 2nd? That's 2 first and 2 2nds of value right there.
  22. Technically Darnold had his worst and best years here. Mayfield had his worst. I keep forgetting that Teddy put up numbers but still lost. That one gets me every time.
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