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Everything posted by Waldo

  1. NFL people tend to keep doing what worked for them in the past, specially when it gets tough. So many people with skills have decided to die on their hills. Fox and Rivera are great examples of this. This team needs heaps of extra. That's a lot to expect normally so the die might be on again.
  2. No because what was stated was true. Many rookie QBs have had a rough rookie year but also showed something. Bryce did not and it wasn't all the crap show around him, he was a substantial part of that crap show. His best game as the GB game and the other team looked like they had their heads up their butts more than the Panthers were good IMO. Don't like it? I sympathize but no one has to play pretend if they don't want to. That wasn't Bryce bashing it was just truth that hurts. There is a big difference.
  3. I predict this ain't it either. Whatever wins they get will come early...unless they pull the Young plug and let Dalton try to go out with a bang.
  4. Morgan's first offseason and daft made me think he doesn't understand talent. He looks a lot more like Fritters than he does some talent guru. I think Morgan will be another Fritterer, a likable guy who just isn't good enough no matter how much everyone likes them. It's literally why he got the job as quoted by one of the people that owns the team. Canales is incredibly young and inexperienced and the hiring process was tainted with Caldwell giving the vote to whoever Tepper wanted anyways even with the consultants sitting in that process...not to mention promoting the AGM who is his friend. I'm not giving them anything they don't earn. I was thoroughly unimpressed with the process or outcome as I have been with the offseason approach. IF I am proven wrong then they have found our saviors and if I am right again then it's just more poop for the Tepper sewer.
  5. Hard to expect scheming well here since we haven't seen it in years. Seems unrealistic at this point. This site had him at 19th best interior lineman as of December. But PFF had him at 14 in 2023. Even CBS didn't have him in their top 10. No idea where the top 5 thing came from. I guess it was just guards which him falling from top 5 in OGs to out of top 13 in interior line? He was proven on a talented offense on a rookie contract. Let's see how he does here next year and what he proves then because I am always skeptical about the top free agent contracts and given their history it's justified.
  6. Let's see if they get top OG play out of him because it's not like the NFL has never seen a free agent get paid and then not play up to the pay. Also with the center mess they have created I am even less certain he will be a top 5 OG at the end of the year if not just because of that spillover.
  7. Horn was always the wrong pick for other reasons but he just turned out to be injury prone, it's not fair but that's a miss and a risk in the NFL. Icky was always a project, needed a lot of work in pass protect and I really liked him as a prospect, so that goes along with what I said about projects not working out here for the reasons I laid out and a bit of what you said that in the end for all of those reasons projects have a hard go here with the turnover and competence issues throughout. If they get mediocre from Young in the end they should still be picking another QB next year anyways, other than becoming a franchise QB he will be a big failure and a giant area to improve. The days where the 1st pick was at least the one positive which no longer exist. Even Brown, a very good player, does not produce at the level he was drafted vs Moore who produced nothing but 1000 yard seasons without a good QB play. We just drafted a 2nd round WR by moving up one spot. It starts with the wrong people picking which is the norm now with Tepper in charge. I can't believe you believe that Tepper can fall into a winning situation given how his hiring has gone. Like FKD said it could easily be another 6 or 16 years before he gets his head out of his butt using the Browns as a legitimate example. That's not pessimism but a very real possibility given the recent history here.
  8. They traded a #1 WR and then drafted a project QB with questionable talent with the #1 pick. We all know their evaluation skills were crap. Not being a starter isn't his career ending but just hitting his end zone. He might have felt that way but there are tons of teams he could have played for and helped. He shouldn't be a starter any more, you know that's how he ended up on a dumpster fire, but he can still put up a 1000 yards with trash QB play. He isn't done yet even if he isn't near his prime anymore.
  9. The Panthers present A Star Wars Holiday Special remake using their personnel.
  10. They have been no where close to 50% on the picks since 2019. They are lucky to hit on 1 pick per draft. Most of that trade capital would have been wasted by poor picks or projects that can't develop with so little tallent around them.
  11. If this year is close to last year it's pretty much a complete rebuild by default. Brown and Moton are the only healthy good players, a DT and a RT lol. They pissed away last year and this year on a bad trade and pick. They still can't draft decently. Tepper still hires 'his kind of people'. We might be witnessing the forever rebuild. They literally just drafted for the future on a 2 win team which sure helped get the last couple of fools canned while wasting those picks too. 2030 might be way too generous when factoring the Tepper approach.
  12. He made millions by being a workout hero and a gameday zero sir
  13. Dude can't conjure up 400 yards (or 23.5 a game)...
  14. Yeah on the skill side it's obvious in the differences in ability. He even has a good 20 to 15 lbs on Bryce by the eye test. He was also the first 5'10" QB drafted in the 1st since the 60s. I don't think there is a way to quantify how Byce matches up skill wise to other 1st round QBs but it looks towards the bottom.
  15. Every year. This guy is going to be 34 and still getting the 'it's his year' articles while making this roster. It's a litmus test for what's to come IMO.
  16. 5'10" is the bottom of the scale for sure but not an anomaly at this point. Murray reset the standards for a 5'10" QB being drafted in the 1st (by 1" from a SB winning QB not taken in the 1st) so it's more of a standard deviation at this point. I have no idea on the weight stuff because it's all so fudged and is not really what is limiting him at this time vs the height/arm/legs combo. IDK, I don't see enough with Bryce to call him an anomaly. He just looks like he was built to fail in the NFL. Even high QB picks busting isn't abnormal.
  17. Being not good enough isn't unique or an anomaly. Cam and Jackson are unique. Murray and Tua are anomalies, good enough with their talent to stick around but not coming close to a SB regardless of the talent levels around them. They have no decent option B this year again. If he craters then having what they are asking him to do at the minimum would be great. It wouldn't save the season but they could at least build something basic around the other guys. Hell maybe some players could improve in that situation.
  18. The big part that showed up in the Rhule years was losing more talent than they brought in. The drafting has been bad and they keep sending talent away, sometimes justified and sometime not. That is the main issue on talent IMO witht he Panthers since 2019. Adding wasted years with sub-Baker/Menshew play is only increasing the talent gap in a bad way. I have to disagree from every angle except taking shots early in the draft until they have a franchise QB.
  19. If Young is near as bad as last year then it's 2 wasted years then it's mighty hard to build up the team around that. If Young was in the Baker/Menshaw (cheap until one has a Baker '23 year but lol to paying that longterm) category we wouldn't need another QB this year but that is a really big step up for him after seeing what he looks like in the NFL. They went into last year with the #1 pick who turned out to be a longshot project so brining in a guy to at least help the rest of the team improve in the worst case scenario then that would have been a big win this year. I'm not sure Dalton could finish an 8 game stretch and if Bryce looks close to last year then he shouldn't make it past week 6 as the starter. I just think that the entire idea that they will suddenly turn on the 'winning mentality' when they do get a decent QB is a longshot if they can't do more without one now. Last year and this year they are going all in on Bryce and in year 2 that is just stupid IMO given what we saw last year. I couldn't trust any of these people with another #1 pick due to their approach to this year. If we were talking a crew that would get replaced at the end of the year then sure, clean sweep. But these people just got hired so it's hard to get excited about next year if they fug this year up that hard. It's not just a QB they need, they need good people running the team and it doesn't look like they have found those either yet. We had a Cam but not a coach that would be willing to win in a way he didn't like. That is what cost us a SB in '15. The QB is a huge part but the rest doesn't look much better either.
  20. At some point we all need to admit just having the #1 pick isn't enough. They also need the ability to take the best QB and not the hyped media darling...something teams picking high usially have trouble with. 2 years in a row and the #1 QB has some serious doubts about their hype. I wouldn't have much belief with the current crew either after the last draft. 6-9 isn't picking too far anyways, it's close to if not a top 10 pick. Having built up some mediocrity would sure help a rookie vs the gutted mess the roster looks like today. If Young bust then it's likely another wasted year for the guys depending on him for their development. That's an angle that is too easy to miss.
  21. I'm sure some do but then why would we hear about it if it was true? I gave the examples of Bezos' and Gates' exes. They both are giving chunks away and living beyond comfortably. They also were not the driving factor in that wealth being made (not to make light of any contributions they made in those mirages because I literally don't want to know the deets).
  22. Except I never said anyone would complain less. Thielen sat down for an interview at a very unfortunate time. I get he is just doing his professional thing but there is a lot of crap being tossed and it looks like he is catching it. Thielen doing an interview just brings it up again. People are complaining because the team is bad and the PR is a target for personal fun or relief or anything else people want to dump into the Panther shaped hole in reality that is this place.
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