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Everything posted by Waldo

  1. That and how is the endurance running all around a filed. Sumo bouts don't last all that long with footwork for tossing weight using leverage. Pretty sure that would be a lot of holding calls and personal fouls lol
  2. His size is what made him stand out for sure. He uses it well. I just don't see an AB or CJ, I see a big guy moving little college players...which look like DBs but then again at that level the LBers look small too half the time. He looks solid. I don't think the size and losing comparable speed is going to look the same as often in the NFL.
  3. No the games are the coaches, players and situation. The film is looking at the prospect and then seeing g if those things add value to an assessment. I don't even look at their records because it usually doesn't matter. The games are more than film, they are a bunch of stuff going on and lots of it doesn't matter anymore once they are drafted.
  4. No Bowers looks like the better athlete and player. It's not just physical, even if i did compare those aspects. I called Bowers a freak. He is a playmaker. Warren reminds me of Legette where people were gushing over him and brushing the body catches and lack of agility as issues when transitioning to the NFL. I think you have fallen into the trap that school ball is close to NFL ball where they might as well be different games.
  5. Yes his size is impressive and he looks solid which is good. He doesn't look like a freak and the NFL has tons of freaks. I don't care about the games. I just look at the film. Being the best player at Penn state means nothing in the NFL, it's just supporting info in the draft process. If he isn't going to be playing for for CFB coaches and agaisnt CFB players it's a moot point. He is big and he should be good in the NFL but comparing him to Bowers or saying he is a better prospect is not something I can agree with from what I have seen.
  6. I don't see it. Looks like school hype too me. He is going to have to do much better at the combine than on that film to justify that kind of grade.
  7. It more than slightly and it shows. The only thing Watren has on Bowers is size. Bowers blows him out in hands, speed, agility and acceleration. All the school stuff really doesn't matter that much. Bowers came into the NFL and was his team's offense. Warren looks solid but he isn't near Bowers level. Don't draft guys for ehat they did in school but what they can do in the NFL. Body catches and lack of separation even at that level is a concern. Bowers was one handing it and dusting CBs. It's not close IMO.
  8. LoL at this guy being a Bowers. Complete lazy draft time BS. Watch this and see what a TE that's worth a pick at 8. Warren looks solid but Bowers looked like a freaking stud.
  9. I am not at all interested in even thinking about a WR or TE. Let's see how the combine goes. He would need a lot more than that film to impress me. For a guy who watches zero CFB I wasn't that impressed. Good hands but nothing screams top 10 pick with him to me. He looks solid but nothing more. That's what I want a 2nd round TE to look like, good physicals and hands but lacks meaningful separation.
  10. The loyalty is part of the package in this sport. If not an A I would expect a B or the guy who would have got a lower grade is probably already fired this year. I would like to see that list out of curiosity and if anyone got less than a B.
  11. He is a CB who is good but not that good IMO. With a healthy Horn just find another one if he is looking for bigger money than he is worth. I don't even know of he wants to be here anyways.
  12. Yup just Jackson. Also why isn't Thomas on the deffinatly walking list? Like there shouldn't be any doubt if they are going to try and retain Tremble.
  13. What the hell is wrong with school ball now? I'm hoping for a DT or a trade back. Trade back might be for the best if they can rack up more 2nds and 3rds. There is bearly any difference between the end of the 1st and the end of the 3rd so far lol. Also the grading system is hilarious. It's the NFL projecting their views on talent but then it goes from perfect to average backup in the first 2 points and then there are 6 points of sub roster material lol.
  14. My take was they didn’t do their due diligence in signing him. His deal is 2 years and they can easily move. It's like they looked up his numbers and said yes that's what we want to buy even if he is close to the end of his career. IDK but it took about a month and a half before they felt like they needed to draft Penix. I also think that after Baker made a return to better form that they thought it was going to be easier. I also don't remember then telling Cousins about it either.
  15. They are going to have to dump him even if he could have theoretically stayed. The contract size and Cousin's personalty make it inevitable. Maybe they try and sneak through the season and then June 1st him next year or have to do it this year and just eat the dead cap. I wouldn't want to be that guy in that house lol. Especially if Penix doesn't do decently. Like LG said it was buyers remorse. Many suspected serious buyers remorse before the Penix pick. It was always overpaying for 3500 yards and 18/16 tds/ints. Guy was 35 with a blown ACL so betting against that after being tied to it was correct because then it was his shoulder and elbow. I think even some of the talking heads were talking about Kirk not being what they hoped for when they signed him. I suspect they tried to buy the NFCS crown and had it blow up in their faces. They could have signed anyone else but they went with the too expensive guy that was good at getting into the playoffs at least...before getting bounced lol. It was always a spaz move and I wonder where Blank had his fingers on the scale in the processes.
  16. He is wasted cap at this point. He can't stay healthy and they already wasted the cap in his void year. Just like with Shaq, this guy should be gone. Time to trim the dead weight vs dragging it into another year.
  17. They all did it to themselves. The Browns took that swing and did it fully guaranteed. Overpaying for Dak was always a mistake but teams would rather have a guy with good regular season stats that folds in the playoffs everytime then an unknown. Miami did it with Tua. Atlanta did it with Cousisns. I guess it's a slower way to lose a job vs taking a swing on a rookie early and having that fail. Atlanta did both and what a rollercoaster that was.
  18. And so do the paychecks and reasons to renegotiate old contracts. I was curious with all of the inflation how much the cap would grow.
  19. Am I the only one that didn't like either at the time and thinks it's funny they are all being humiliated by this 10 years later? Incognito threatened to steal his father's head from a funeral home? It's a fight between to crazy mofos and neither are likable people. Jerry springer level energy lol. Also Martin will just hide behind CTE if sued. He has always been unstable so good luck proving his words come from any place stable. And Ingognito would be a hard client to represent because the chances of him going off the rails in a trail would be almost guaranteed. What a poo show.
  20. Not working on Moton's deal means the door is open to anything. That's a positive. Hell just keeping him and not pushing cap into dead years is a win given the recent contracts they were giving out. It's a little difficult for me to swallow a teade and replace by draft for Moton. On one side it's being proactive with keeping the oline good and getting a rookie on a rookie deal vs an aging vet on a bloated last year witg last years sognings, that cap can be reallocated to other places. On the other hand it's focusing on the one strength while doing nada to improve the vast weaknesses they have elsewhere. Whatever they would potentially trade him for would have to be worth the risk of trying to replace him before he really needed to be replaced IMO. Sounds Maden easy theoretically but could easily backfire hard. Edit: The posible knee situation is a real wrench in the spokes.
  21. I agree with that. I don't get any desire to repeat with any of them tho. DG built teams that won the most but he was so flawed too. Just no to all of them.
  22. Dude has been fired twice here and neither was soon enough. Who was the expert in the room that gave Tepper the blessing on Rhule? Walked into a lockerroom built for a playoff appearance, got rid of the probowl kicker and then proceeded to overseen the transition to a team that hasn't had a winning season since? Greg freaking Little. That's just his most recent stuff here without dipping into his first stint for more ammo. Might as well start talking about DG or Fritters again. Just do something else at this point, anything else really.
  23. Dumb move. He isn't really playable anymore, he fell apart after 1 game this season. If it's for more than vet minimum it's a waste of cap and roster space. Just pay him to coach and free up a roster spot. The start to another disappointing offseason is underway in Pantherland again.
  24. It would take someone shooting up the boards to change my mind but the guys I want us to take early should be gone by 8 so I'm hoping for a trade back. Getting an extra pick in the top 100 picks would also be a bigger win than an offensive pick or CB at 8 IMO.
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