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Everything posted by Waldo

  1. A slow blocking TE using his size in school? I don't get the hype. Looks like a 2nd or 3rd round great TE pick. I still haven't seen any workout info on him. My guess is he is a solid TE but not a 1st round pick at this point. Not impressed honestly.
  2. There isn't 1 WR or TE that impresses me at 8 in this draft. it sounds like they will draft poorly again but that's not really surprising unfortunately.
  3. 1 year deal prove it guy. Win. Now go get a rookie too.
  4. First, that last part damnnnnnnn. Lol This draft screams solid but boring. That's great long term but like playing Wallace last year it's not likely to pay huge quickly if ever. Given our history I'd bet against it just on the odds. I just need to see more. 7 wins seems fair and attainable at this point and I don't see how this draft changes much.
  5. I can't belive more than 7 until I see it. This team was going to take the nfcs last year after the first week of free agency around here. Lots of guys on this roster that have a lot to prove, entire organization really. Morgan likes projects and to project but his hit rate hasn't been great to date. We got 7 wins while firing Rhule midway through a season. That wasn't a good team either but it's better than last year IMO even if it faceplants for any of the various possible reasons.
  6. Yeah and I don't see anyone in the draft that 'buys wins' next year either. Lots of guys that buy them the luxury to not have to go overpay in free agency every year.
  7. These are the deals that make me happy. Solid players on good contracts. No need to improve to justify the contract and is known to be reliable. I was curious why it looked like he was headed into the market early but that's a win. I'm shocked no one else would want a solid stsrting CB on that kind of contract.
  8. Can you let us know what it said behind thr pay wall please?
  9. I wasn't impressed with who they targeted first. I like Jackson and the NT. The rest seem like they could be good or just a rerun. He took some shots and needs them to workout more than last year. Leggette needs to take some serious steps and I can't even remember the RBs name anymore. Wallace got stats but he also didn't flash anything really great. Sanders looks the best of the drafted guys IMO and he also has work but given where he was drafted that's not really a negative. The best one may be thr one they didn't draft and makes the first pick look that much more disappointing. They have to do better this year or there is no way it can be looked at as a strength. Meh. It's not the worst GMing the team has seem so it's not like the pitchforks and torches are out. He like a lot of the rest of the team needs to prove it.
  10. Thankfully it's cheap and short. Looks like no one else was that interested.
  11. Thomas and Sanders in one offseason. What a mercy to have them gone.
  12. Hard For the D to not improve from historically bad. It remains to be seen by how much. Spending that kind of money and still being in the 20s at the end of the year would be failure. I like Jackson and the nose tackle. The rest could be good or meh or complete arse. Put up or get fired. I'm done with unearned hope and hype until it shows up.
  13. Fans were raving about his moves last year and it was way more misses than hits. They have to prove this year is different but feels the same to me. Thankfully they couldn't get the too expensive signing this year. He also leans into projects on which hasn't served him well. He also blew the draft last year early that fans raved about that. Prove it or it's just hot air even if it's according to plan.
  14. Just proves Jackson wasn't and those talks went to nowheresville
  15. They are out to prove they should have fired Evero already is all I am seeing. Add in Morgan wasting cap like Hurney at his worst.
  16. They didn't even take out Brooks which is lazy. I have no problem with stats or analysis. The data has to be solid and I'm being lazy assuming there are more discrepancies if they missed that. It's also a weird time to run it with freeeagency and the draft not being finished. I didn't mean to imply the idea is bad, just a weird time to roll it out with some obvious discrepancies included.
  17. I guess Pitt is tired of a slow decline and went all in on speeding it up. I wonder who they have on their wish list at QB?
  18. Sucking is the new normal so this is another lazy take that's still true. Will they be picking in the top 10 again next offseason? Yup.
  19. Beast mode said that behind doors Rus was made the star and the other guys hated it. That play was just the rest of us finding out how they roll. Money didn't kill that D, that was the breaking point and guys just wanted out. Lynch literally laughed in Carroll's face after that loss. That's how Carroll ran his team and why it wasn't a dynasty.
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