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Everything posted by Waldo

  1. Are we sure this isn't another settlement hidden in a 'gift'?
  2. So lame. I can't belive this BS is still going on. It's basically the equivalent of reality TV for men. All or nothing was legit.
  3. I like how it starts and the positional picks but I have no idea about anyone but Lance. I can't think of a year where I did less to look at prospects. Maybe we trade our draft away or go in like this to the draft. I literally have no idea this year.
  4. People thought Clausen was a good option. I don't really care what Weiss thinks. I hope we get to play against Jones twice a year, that's all that need to be said about that dead end.
  5. Watson, then the draft and plan C would be any trash laying around after the draft. Either way, 1 year deal as far as guarantees max for not the future. Thats a lesson I hope we learned from the Teddy failure.
  6. Until prodays and any interviews are heavily underway, I hope it stays up in the air. It would be nice to see fully what is on the table. Willson going to the Jets sounds like a real fun time for us, either way.
  7. Because we made a big mistake. A GM trying to keep his job who's go to move is one move to win this year, a new owner who doesn't know much but knows he needs to win, new coaches with little NFL experience and no one in the room to know better is how we ended up with Teddy last year and now this year. I think all parties had a hand in this mistake. Hopefully they all learned something from that massive failure.
  8. I'm fine if we miss on a franchise QB as long as we don't panic and let desperation allow us to do something stupid or roll out Teddy another year. Just fix the oline, maybe find a CB and sign a jag at QB to a one year deal if we can't land a legit QB.
  9. I am going to love this show. Complete trainwreck incoming and its going to be beautiful. LoLz
  10. If he stays at RB, his time is limited as history has shown. With his skill set, the real question is does he or the team want a RB or a freak playmaker? Let CMC fill the role Samuel's had last year and find a couple of cheap options like we did with Davis.
  11. In before 'We have a chance at the injured cast off, in on every deal' lol. Sounds like they don't want to openly torpedo their 2nd year franchise QB. I don't blame them, I would love this move if I was a Fins fan. Not a team I want to get in a bidding war against.
  12. Huge positive for the new crew. Bad contract, underwhelming player. Great move.
  13. That's not in. That's standing in the doorway deciding if you want in.
  14. Proof in some cases he is not skilled or knowledgeable enough to have that job? In implies involved. Asking a 90 second question isn't in, its seeing if you want in. It's a dumb moto and horrific way to proceed as GM.
  15. I do. Plenty of deals to know better up front. Again, why ask if it's it's bad deal from 10k feet up? what's the direction, game plan for this team build? First come good enough approach? Just a bad moto period. Be active and be smart and know when to say he'll no thank you.
  16. There are plenty of deals to not be in on. Like Wentz fixes anything at QB for us regardless of price? Just not a trust building statement. We will see but I am uneasy with this current situation. I think the next 3 months will prove plenty, just not sure I am going to like it.
  17. I see Tepper as hurdle #1. If my fears of Fritters comes true, it's going to be loud and ugly real fast. In on every deal is something an idiot says.
  18. Doesn't matter, they are in charge and if they can't right the ship then on to the next. I pay for seats, I'm not waiting for them to figure the NFL out. Fair just isn't part of that equation. Really it would be Teppers fault but there is one way to clean it up and that's to flush the toilet and see if he has learned anything on the next load. Hire a good GM first and not this mess he looks to have created with keeping Hurney one extra year. Just dumb but here we are.
  19. Another year of Teddy and I expect to see signs of fans turning against this crew.
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