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Everything posted by Waldo

  1. The butts in seats results in much more sales. I'm buying my PSL but it doesn't mean I'm going to a game. I can give those to family and friends or sale them. Real easy, he makes more money with more people in the stadium.
  2. The chances we roll into next year with Teddy without a change of direction is probably dictated by Tepper. He won't let that happen, he has tickets to sell and Teddy won't help that in any positive way and he knows it. I have no idea what will happen but something will happen. I'm just hoping we have a great eye for talent and enough brains to not do something dumb. Either way, Teddy ain't an answer at this point. We even sat the dude for an XFL QB. It's over either way. Tepper needs butts in seats and Teddy can't do that. The cap is wasted either way with Teddy, he is gone It's just how at this point.
  3. That or June 1st, use savings to sign Jag and should have some left over. 2022 no Teddy desd money or half left. Edit: This assumes no one is dumb enough to trade for him, even with us eating 10 million of his salary this year.
  4. June 6th his butt or just flat cut and eat it. Doesn't matter in this scenario, we already have the other option.
  5. That and I don't want us to waste the cap space we could get back. Teddy won't be getting us wins, why not train the kid who could?
  6. I assume we will have a very different Oline when the season starts and after last offseason that seems like a reasonable goal. I wouldn't have a problem with it unless he was having extreme issues in camp. We could run a ton and ease him in. He has a vet Center and a good OC. If the Oline falls apart conceptually or he is not ready then throw out the jag and see how long it takes them to prep him. We won a game with an XFL QB last year, less than great can still win...except Teddy I guess.
  7. I would take Lance as a day 1 starter over Teddy. We aren't competing for jack this year anyways, I would be happy to train a QB like Lance. The sitting a rookie only makes sense if you have someone else already to start and are already competing at playoff level. That is not us. Fix the Oline and coach up Lance would be a huge win for me.
  8. Not blame them for it but did some of his stupid rub off on them? I'm not sure he didn't teach them things that have led to his consistent failures.
  9. I hope we get to play this turd twice a year. Remember when Little was a 1st round pick and we were screaming watch the damn film...welllllll this feels a lot like that.
  10. Looks like keeping Hurney around did more damage then we thought. Might have ruined Rhule and Tepper honestly. This is sad and dumb. We could replace Shaq with a jag on a prove it deal and be in a much better spot, paying that much for average is just dumb any way you look at it. What's next Paradis extension?
  11. Brady is like the exception in everyway. I could see Jones on this list like an inverted Brady.
  12. Great news. I was hoping for a long term deal but as stated already, this might be the year to play on a tag and renegotiate after a year where the cap corrects itself. If talks are headed towards ridiculous, we should draft a RT and play him at RG this year just incase or something similar.
  13. Teddy didn't come close to earning another chance. If anything he proved he isn't worth one. Flip it and say we owe it to the team to surround them with better QB play.
  14. Bad teams make bad decisions. Good on Dak, I love watching the Cowboys shooting themselves in the foot.
  15. Warner's scouting report. Yeah his arm was his positive. Bad bad comparison. I like the Pennington comparison for Jones. He is like the QB version of Little for me, same feels when I watch his film which is underwhelmed. Produced in college and projects poorly to the NFL.
  16. I see it as another chump killing any chance of me wasting 6 hours driving on Sundays.
  17. Both are huge wins for alligning with our top needs. This sounds great.
  18. No idea. I don't think so but the desire to test the market or for a large guarantee is standard. It's up to him. I sure hope we can get at least a tag year if not 4.
  19. Don't be obtuse. The tag doesn't carry the weight it did. Players have sat and won the stare down recently. I haven't heard any indications that will happen but it is possible until he says it's cool.
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