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Everything posted by Waldo

  1. Looks at roster... He is playing in some capacity. This playbook has been reduced to handing it off. Should be interesting.
  2. This is hilarious. One last crap for Darnope's head.
  3. Being realistic and in my own corner. I know how you liked being in the last one, I guess you just want to watch this one?
  4. There are ZERO good answers now, Cam is the best option left on the table. Maybe he comes back and gets injured, he was going to do it for someone eventually and we are 1 for 1 on guys being cast off in NE. Maybe nothing changes and it's so bad here that it's burn it all down time, so we were headed that way anyways.
  5. We never had a threat in the passing game this year, I accepted that before the season started. We could have ran wildcat last game and been a more viable offense.
  6. We are a fun team with Cam. Start there and let them earn anything more than that. That's a huge win in a year where taking a dump is more entertaining than watching these games.
  7. If we use him like CMC early in the year, I am 100% with you. If we use him like CMC last game then I am very intrigued. Cam is older, I don't want to see young Cam. I want to see what I always wanted to see with Cam, an old man leading us to victory using his experience.
  8. Serious question. With all the open WRs, did it matter with Sam who has scored 1 TD in his last 4 games?
  9. Any TDs is impressive since Sam hasn't scored one in the past 3 games he played...
  10. The expectation bar is low, anything positive would be fun at this point. We had zero better options. I could have hope that Cam will dump that damn ball off if they show him how the blocking has been. Sam couldn't process it fast enough to play that game. Hell, any hope at this point in this season is like finding a diamond on the ground. And the people that Cam pisses off by existing is fun to watch. Again, the chance of great football went out the window this offseason, why not have some fun?
  11. The potential crash if it falls apart is dangerous but I'm here for it either way. If you can't be good, at least be entertaining...
  12. Here they come! Show us what you got boys lol
  13. I guess the Barkley signing didn't go over well huh?
  14. “However the NFL handles it is on them. I would just like to play them again. And I wish all my fellow D-end brothers happy hunting https://profootballtalk.nbcsports.com/2021/11/10/brian-burns-says-an-apology-would-be-nice-but-mac-jones-declines-to-apologize/
  15. Can he run and hand off? Then yes, yes he is.
  16. No idea but even if he can only run at this point, it would be a giant step forward for us. 100% won't happen and I don't wish it on him. This staff needs to dig themselves out of the hole they dug and I'm fine with watching them not do it on Cam's back.
  17. Go look, maybe bump something fun. I think it started post-draft, which in itself should be a big ol' ball of laughs.
  18. Loved Lance, Josh Allen vibes. That price tag tho is a back breaker.
  19. And also not the healthiest guy...so giant contract incoming?
  20. Only half way through the year. Lots could still happen. After the way things went sideways with Teddy, I expect to see more as the pressure mounts on this crew.
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