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Everything posted by Waldo

  1. He looks the same just against better talent all around him. He is a QB that is built to thrive in prevent D when he can roll out without pressure and get a decent throw off. He can't run to a gap in the oline anymore to launch a deep throw so half his game is gone at this level after his first few hits last year.
  2. It's height first. He can't see enough. It's obvious with the open WRs he can't see. His confidence is shot now that he knows it. He was accurate when the talent level was a lot less on the other side. Now he is broken or breaking.
  3. Are people still denying the possibility of a sophomore slump for BY?
  4. Yup. Could have gone with the mid-range guys and saved to spend elsewhere. Also spending for Young to step into a pocket was always spitting into the wind. They needed OGs but the best are not making a difference in the game the QB can play.
  5. I don't really care. He could finally be ready in 3 years. He just looks like a sacrificial pawn to bring in and fix Bryce. I like some things about him but I could name a handful of guys to throw a giant contract and the choice of the #1 pick that would be a giant improvement over next year.
  6. It's prevent D. They give you everything easy underneath.
  7. It's Tepper and everything he touches on the football side. He needs someone to manage everything and to stay back and let them work. Everyone reports to him and no matter how much they change it up it stays the same. Failing isn't the worst, not accepting failure and finding another path is. Tepper needs to be dragged harder for all of this. A GM that was part of the problem last year. A HC that isn't close to ready to try and compete.
  8. 100 million and it in fact did not help Bryce lol
  9. Yeah I need to see it too but it 'could' happen. This year is going to be expensive and embarassing. Punches will not be pulled for a 2nd year QB and owner that is 0-3 like this.
  10. Enough money and the #1 pick changes things vs this year. Plus they can demand some changes in the process. Tepp might need a buffer if he ever wants to stop producing a clown show. He is a terrible manager in all aspects apparently.
  11. Only if you are firing everyone. No way can they keep a crew that rode bad play without adjustments into the #1 pick to then turn around and let them make that pick. The fact that neither the GM or the HC drafted him will be interesting to see how they handle it. If I was them I would bring in anyone and rotate my way into year 2 and a top 3 pick anyways.
  12. Let it back when they stop being a clown show and prove something first.
  13. Learn to laugh and it becomes kind of fun in it's own way
  14. One is a salesman and the other can't back it up yet because of lack of experience. I don't think DC is fake but just over his head
  15. He hires soft people too. It's been a revolving door of people having their career worst performances here for the most part. He has the hot dog finger touch
  16. I can't anymore. This has to be in the running for historically worst opening quarter ever. When can we see people start to get fired? Caldwell should be gone tonight and should never have helped build this go round.
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