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  • Birthday 12/01/1908

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  1. And so do the paychecks and reasons to renegotiate old contracts. I was curious with all of the inflation how much the cap would grow.
  2. Am I the only one that didn't like either at the time and thinks it's funny they are all being humiliated by this 10 years later? Incognito threatened to steal his father's head from a funeral home? It's a fight between to crazy mofos and neither are likable people. Jerry springer level energy lol. Also Martin will just hide behind CTE if sued. He has always been unstable so good luck proving his words come from any place stable. And Ingognito would be a hard client to represent because the chances of him going off the rails in a trail would be almost guaranteed. What a poo show.
  3. Not working on Moton's deal means the door is open to anything. That's a positive. Hell just keeping him and not pushing cap into dead years is a win given the recent contracts they were giving out. It's a little difficult for me to swallow a teade and replace by draft for Moton. On one side it's being proactive with keeping the oline good and getting a rookie on a rookie deal vs an aging vet on a bloated last year witg last years sognings, that cap can be reallocated to other places. On the other hand it's focusing on the one strength while doing nada to improve the vast weaknesses they have elsewhere. Whatever they would potentially trade him for would have to be worth the risk of trying to replace him before he really needed to be replaced IMO. Sounds Maden easy theoretically but could easily backfire hard. Edit: The posible knee situation is a real wrench in the spokes.
  4. I agree with that. I don't get any desire to repeat with any of them tho. DG built teams that won the most but he was so flawed too. Just no to all of them.
  5. Dude has been fired twice here and neither was soon enough. Who was the expert in the room that gave Tepper the blessing on Rhule? Walked into a lockerroom built for a playoff appearance, got rid of the probowl kicker and then proceeded to overseen the transition to a team that hasn't had a winning season since? Greg freaking Little. That's just his most recent stuff here without dipping into his first stint for more ammo. Might as well start talking about DG or Fritters again. Just do something else at this point, anything else really.
  6. Dumb move. He isn't really playable anymore, he fell apart after 1 game this season. If it's for more than vet minimum it's a waste of cap and roster space. Just pay him to coach and free up a roster spot. The start to another disappointing offseason is underway in Pantherland again.
  7. It would take someone shooting up the boards to change my mind but the guys I want us to take early should be gone by 8 so I'm hoping for a trade back. Getting an extra pick in the top 100 picks would also be a bigger win than an offensive pick or CB at 8 IMO.
  8. Might as well pretend Brooks doesn't exist, which really doesn't take much effort since he hasn't in 2024 and won't again in 2025. He isn't a part of any future until he can stay healthy long enough to matter. Could be an injury settlement or 90 man body in 2026 over making the roster then. It won't even be worth looking at or planning for until then. Best case he shows up and contributes in some way and worst case he has already played his NFL downs.
  9. I think Moton would be out if they are looking at LTs at all. Old guy needing an extension to make space or guy still on a rookie deal with a 5th year option? I still would be surprised if they were even looking at LTs. Like you said, when they feel they have the position covered it's an acceptable pass. I just don't think it takes franchise to the decision makers. The needs are hard to ignore when they are large and staff have always had a thing for 'their guys' they feel are doing well in their plans.
  10. Good teams can afford to go BPA. Bad teams have areas that they need to improve or they will continue to be bad. It also justifies ignoring positional value to some people. Also BPA depends on the evaluations. Who's BPA? The media talking heads spewing their usual BS? Morgan who sure as hell didn't take BPA with the first 2 picks last year unless you can admit he did a bad job in his evaluations. Such a lazy take it's become. It's so overused. Just like generational talent. It's become an oversimplified concept that proves it is completely subjective with how many drafted players bust or become over drafted.
  11. The team hasn't had a winning season since 2017. The Panthers are not a destination except for guys looking to get overpaid or prove themselves with playing time to get paid. Hard to build up a team when you spend as much draft capital and cap on 1 guy while the needs are so vast.
  12. The 2011 team had talent but they were a locker room of losers. They literally were coming off a lame duck HC year that was horrendous even for a team that ended up earning a #1 pick. The core was a great but there was lots of waste on the team too to combine with terrible rookies other than Cam. It took Ron some time to rah rah the team up into what it became. Hurney running the team poorly without help from a HC in 2010 was a big part of that and he was fired the year after in October of 2012 and riverboat didn't show up until 2013. Ohh and 2011 and 2012 were 6 and 7 win seasons so they were literally losers too lol. So much so that Ron was almost fired before he went riverboat in 2013. Meh, if they want to fight then whatever. The team still stinks and is in it's longest losing season streak ever. They were coworkers and nothing more with 2 personalities that are like oil and water.
  13. Middle of the 1st really doesn't sound too much different than 8 talent wise from the rumblings if one of the top guys doesn't fall. Some team needing a CB or WR might make that trade, picks I am hoping we avoid. Getting a 2nd would be a big bonus. Not sure when the teir 2 guys drop off in this draft but it sounds like it runs through most of the 2nd. Anything 20 or before could net a sweet haul without moving too far back. In a more top loaded draft I wouldn't be for it but this one sounds lite on teir 1 guys and heavey on teir 2 guys.
  14. We picked Moore in the later 1st at 24. Plenty of very good WRs in the 2nd. I would rather them take an OT than a WR at 8 this year. Trading back and getting an extra pick and spending that on D guys would be way better IMO. Too lopsided of a move with their recent moves and much bigger needs. The D needs talent desperately. If a DT is there I would hate to see a WR over that.
  15. Dude should have gone out with playing the sceen from Half Baked at the last home game and locked the music on replay of something truely horendous.
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