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Move the Panthers to Raleigh

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Posts posted by Move the Panthers to Raleigh

  1. 3 hours ago, LinvilleGorge said:

    Cam is my favorite all time Panther and I wish him nothing but the best in all of his media ventures but reality TV and sports talk /podcasts just ain't it for me. 

    Yeah, First Take sucks balls. Even if multiple Panthers were on there

  2. 19 hours ago, Ricky Prickles said:

    There's a couple little pussies on here that constantly bitch because he is Christian that will tell you they don't approve but those opinions are from pussies and in my own little mind pussies don't deserve a voice or opinion anyhow. Me being of no faith at all and hoping not as big a pussy as those other two wimps so coming from a purely unbiased place..... I would give Canales a 6-7 on a 1-10 scale. He needs to work on a few things such as I believe hire a coordinator that he can trust to call plays for him so he just leads and some other items. I do have confidence in him that he can turn out to be a good coach. He isn't as fuging dumb as Matt Rhule or throw others under the bus as Matt Rhule likes to do so he does have my respect there. He has some sort of emotions and doesn't look like a corpse out there as Reich did so there's that too but I guess my standards are very low these days. The mother fuger can go to church all he wants or not, I don't really give a damn as long as he steadily improves this team. He has partially improved Bryce to where I believe he deserves another year to see if he can continue to grow and I didn't think anyone could help Bryce so that's a positive too I guess. He has hope which I guess is what im getting at.

    Watch Out Badass GIF

  3. 5 hours ago, d-dave said:

    I really appreciate these.  Like him or not, JT has played high level football at a place where I couldn't imagine.  I mean, I was 6th string DT in high school before I said "I'm going where the girls are!" =P

    He's very bullish on Bryce, and I think JT wants to see him succeed.  I know many of us are all over these videos so he knows he's going to get the views on any BY video.  It's a feedback cycle almost, lol.  JT thinks BY is a legit QB.  Not perfect, he does point out error, and seems to go out of his way to insult Theilan's speed constantly.  It's almost funny.

    Honestly, it just confirms what we've seen: BY found himself after being benched.  He's improved each week, made great plays, had a few stinkers along the way.  

    Let's build the rest of the team around Bryce.

    I've never heard of him before. Where did he play?

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