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Move the Panthers to Raleigh

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Everything posted by Move the Panthers to Raleigh

  1. Yeah, there’s too many blind homers on here that predict success for all the bad moves this FO makes and get mad when they always fail
  2. I kinda wish we didn’t beat Houston so Dave and Nicole could be 0-17. 1-16 is still the worst record of all time so there is that
  3. @PanthersGOATFan336 was right. A bunch of clowns on here gave him a hard time too
  4. I think he tries too hard, honestly. He could use some restraint. I never thought I would miss the days when we would barely ever make any trades
  5. I got poo on hard for telling everyone that this would be a bad year, and we should have kept Rhule to finish the year and truly tank to save assets. I also said we should have picked Stroud.
  6. Probably talking about the stadium renovation deal or some bullshit like that.
  7. I always thought it was crazy that we passed on Howell like 3 times
  8. Title of thread includes the words “Coverage Map” only for there to be no actual map posted. This is what keeps me coming back to this site
  9. You do realize that overpaying a player affects the team’s ability to acquire other FAs right?
  10. Crazy that we could have just rolled with him and Balckshear and still be be fine
  11. It took 7 weeks to get a win, and now you think they're gonna go on a streak? Delusional
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