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Move the Panthers to Raleigh

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Everything posted by Move the Panthers to Raleigh

  1. This could make the AZ game winnable especially because Murray may be out
  2. Best case scenario is Cam plays for a couple years and gets the Peyton Manning SB 50 treatment. The NFL owes this team
  3. Yet, it always seems like we get HCs that prioritize Defense. Best thing Rivera did was to agree with drafting Cam
  4. The question is “what do we need to do to get games rigged in our favor?” It’s the only way we win a Super Bowl
  5. Fatty Matty? Is this the new MoRon Rivera?
  6. He was our next Cam, but we HAD TO draft another defensive player. Huge fug up and Rhule should have been fired on draft day for that alone
  7. Rhule fits well in Charlotte then. I've worked in that town and everyone is worried about CYA and that's it. It's a damn soulless environment
  8. Yeah any given Sunday to a point. I'm sorry, but there is no way in hell we beat AZ and BUF. Only Rodgers has beaten AZ and JAX at least has Lawrence. The Titans are a legit playoff team, so that win vs LA was no surprise. Have you been watching this sorry ass team?
  9. This is a fantasy. Unless PJ "All I do is win" Walker plays and lights it up, there is no chance of this happening.
  10. vs. AZ = L, probably the NFC SB representative, this could be 45-0 vs. WFT = maybe W, Ron could find another way to screw us vs MIA = maybe W, the worst team left on our schedule vs ATL = L, we always split with them anyways and they just beat the Saints vs BUF = L, guaranteed shutout for Bills vs TB = L, lol this will be ugly vs NO = L, predicting a dirty beating in the Dome, Burns and Reddick may get shanked on the field vs TB = L, more torture to end out the year
  11. If you are a Cam fan, why would you want him subjected to Rhule and Brady’s bullshit?
  12. You could sit him for a year until the OL is decent. Easier said than done though
  13. Photo from Tepper (left) and Rhule’s (right) first meeting
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