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Move the Panthers to Raleigh

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  1. Wish we could go back to the old logo. Or at least have a couple games with our “throwback” uniforms. Not just paint the end zones in the old font
  2. Eagles could have just ran for a touchdown on that drive. Canales-level coaching
  3. Nah, it seems like the Eagles are the non-story team.
  4. Watching plays like that make football look stupid. Why would anyone want to scramble their brains on purpose?
  5. They destroyed the Vikings though. This is LAs game to lose IMO. They have all the momentum
  6. I'm partly joking. It is in bad taste though. If my house burned down in LA, my house got flooded in NO or Asheville, or my family member/friend died in 9/11, the last thing I would give a poo about is a team of millionaires winning a football game. Let's be real here
  7. Why did they give "Football Night in America" the day game? lol
  8. NBC is running a promo about LA and the fires. Rams to SB confirmed. Not trying to be an asshole, but these angles are always suspect to me
  9. I also think Luvu would have stayed if we weren't an absolute shitshow of an organization. His presence was sorely missed this year.
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