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Move the Panthers to Raleigh

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  1. It was a joke about how bad this team is at drafting
  2. I just don't even pay near as much attention after the draft. It's time for other activities/interests
  3. Don’t be surprised if we actually trade UP to get this guy
  4. Lol. He does have a point though. How else are we going to hear quotes from up-and-coming players? They just need to let the guys put some pants on first. Newton may have had a Freudian slip
  5. It’s the principle of it. No more drafting on potential whether it be inexperience or injury. fug that. They need to just take the best bets until this team is stacked enough to take risks
  6. It would be a classic Panthers move, and honestly would make me feel like we are on our way back to classic mediocrity
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