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Everything posted by ImaginaryKev

  1. The fact people think McNair doesn't have reason to want to payback the guy who's embarrassed him the past few months on every sports network and has been the reason he's looked like a fool in the court of public opinion (bc everyone sided with that player) is incredible to me Yall really assign morals to people with money
  2. Dang, that sucks but we still got DJ Moore who's a younger better player soooo
  3. Yeah I'm not giving that guy credit at all when THE story of the off-season to this point has been how bad his decision making has been
  4. As a backup to Allen in particular it makes sense, he's a runner and has arm talent but should not he starting in any capacity. So it makes sense. For them.
  5. Oh man you think rich people are smart? This rich person who's been dumb, and criticized for being dumb, the last two months? Okay
  6. Anyway here's a mock draft I did on my lunch break
  7. I literally know false claims are not the norm and every time I point to my doubts I provide the detail about the lawyer being the embarrassed owner's neighbor and that lawyer's penchant for faking texts, which apparently are the big pieces of evidence here. That's reason for doubting the veracity of these claims. Plus, Tara Reade and how people dismiss her claims despite being fans of MeToo shows even the most liberal people pick and choose what allegations they believe and which they don't.
  8. I understand all that and think some folks were just scared to make any trade at all, even when McNair has shown to get taken for a ride in trades (D Hopkins) and used "mortgaging the future" to hide their fear of spending Teppers money bc they're just boring as hell. They said as much yesterday, even when folks were proposing trades that didn't cripple us totally This just helps their case in being cowardly sports ball fans
  9. Dude is letting a team chaplain run his team. And his dad referred to players as inmates last year. I can totally see a rich dude embarrassed by all that being vindictive.
  10. Oh man don't let petty rich people manipulate legitimate women's movements to attack a black man's character, that's how they prey on liberal good nature. This whole thing screams setup and if Tara Reade is any indication (or the way folks don't even bring her accusations up), we know how to be discerning when it comes to sexual assault accusations. Grown adults can totally take sexual assault seriously while also using the sense God gave them to sniff out a hit job when there's literally evidence amd motive for a hit job.
  11. The fact you're even tagging Cookie to get a reaction out of her shows what you're trying to do, you aren't slick dude You're bring the TB here bc you're mad about folks being rude to you in that forum
  12. He's looked bad all on his own accord the past two months. Now the guy who did it is getting trashed in the media. And he's neighbors with the lawyer representing the women, with a history of faking texts. Some of yall wanna believe DW is guilty when there's a motive for McNair to try and trash him, along with weird coincidences that force you to ask that question. McNair is as suspect as anyone
  13. It's such a shame when folks butthurt over Tinkerbox arguments bring that bitterness to the main thread so they can pretend moralize, you aren't fooling anyone Brooklyn
  14. On this board folks were poo pooing the idea of trading for him at all before any of this mess even happened. Now those same folks immediately believe this is a deal breaker and more reason not to pursue Watson at all. They're aren't fooling anyone at this point
  15. I'm not sure why folks were interested, he simply isn't good.
  16. It's not that folks actually believe this about Deshaun, it's that they seem to really want to believe it bc they value draft picks so much lol
  17. Imagine believing any drummed up accusations from the most suspicious of sourced JUST BECAUSE you don't like the idea of trading draft picks, then using MeToo to pretend you care about women. Yesterday was weird, today has been even worse with the dishonesty on here
  18. We got people on this board even framing a corny dude like Russell Wilson as toxic and not worth trading for, it's insanity in here
  19. Dude got his pride hurt and reputation as being a good owner ruined in these past two months, rich people can be petty too. Lot of people give owners too much credit and attack players character over the dumbest poo
  20. Yep, I see it now, injury concerns is gonna be a lot of folks personality on here all off-season, gonna ruin it for the rest of us
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