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Everything posted by ImaginaryKev

  1. We can literally disagree about team building without it being a big deal, snowflake
  2. Because I love my freedom as an American to post here and argue about stuff, the entire point of this board. That's got nothing to do with your irrational fear of trades
  3. You can be discerning about weird circumstances while also taking sexual assault seriously and not having a negative, distrustinh opinion of women. I've made that clear plenty today, the pedantry over one word in a paragraph is a stretch
  4. I can think this is bullshit and not think all women are liars, please don't key in on one word or two to try and pick apart my argument, it's pedantic esp when it doesn't affect my point at all
  5. He's proposing ridiculous poo no one is proposing to win arguments, lol
  6. What a reach, we get it you create ridiculous Slippery slopes and jump to extra grand conclusions to protect draft picks sheesh
  7. Yeah man, excuse me for being skeptical that everyone screaming MeToo in this situation cares more about women's rights in here and just isn't trying to win arguments about the Panthers QB situation
  8. Not really, that's still a pretty big coincidence considering that's literally who he inherited the team from omg yall
  9. Also, I've repeatedly stated WHY I don't believe these accusations (the owner and his neighbor being the lawyer) and haven't said a word about not believing women or them being liars or anything so please miss me with that strawman in particular
  10. He said they can't let inmates run the prison while they were protesting police violence, the players understandably took offense. I got the year wrong, changes nothing
  11. We are adults who can walk and chew gum at the same time, I literally know women aren't liars and sexual assault is serious and can ALSO be skeptical of Cal McNairs neighbor buddy who fakes texts to win cases bc he's got an axe to grind with the QB who made him look bad in the media. Imagine being so quick to prove your virtue you side with a billionaire owner smearing an employee to paint yourself as an ally to women
  12. One minute he's the hottest asset in the NFL, the next he's Bill Cosby. I'm more convinced this is a hit job than ever now, it's working to perfection
  13. 2.5 mil is not a lot for a backup QB, he knows he's Chase Daniel. He even wears the same number Daniel used to wear. Nfl players wanna get paid too, especially when they know they aren't stars, securing a bag is the best move for him. Not mad at it
  14. Yeah this is your opinion, nothing up to this point has been precedented at all so his guess is as good as yours as to what's gonna happen by the draft
  15. And it happens the same day we learn they might actually be taking calls. Bruh.
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