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Everything posted by ImaginaryKev

  1. Yall are scared of trading for the Clemson QB who beat Alabama, clown poo
  2. Bc you're scared to get excited about a glorified game of man fetch, this is embarrassing
  3. Being purposely dense to reject taking a risk, sounds like football fandom is too tough for some of yall
  4. Build around him with what? The draft picks we didn't trade and free agency, man you're dumb
  5. Saying that a QB is the only reason teams win is not the same as saying we needed better QB to win more games last year as evidenced by the actual score and the poor quarterback production, don't be goofy
  6. That's a stretch and poor reading comprehension, you're butthurt about disagreement grow up
  7. If you're scared just say you're scared, football ain't for you
  8. You just threw that out there, no one wants to part with all that
  9. Literally no one has said this, you're trying to talk us out of the idea of trading for an elite young QB, you are not the rational one in this equation lol
  10. Yep, that's whats gonna happen. We're gonna trade for Watson and his injury history is gonna become a few posters entire personality on here try and ruin it for us all
  11. That isn't overhyping, that's an honest assessment of what happened. Carter looks improved and could play more, if so this is a positive overall.
  12. Lol now you're just talking out your ass to sound smart yet contrarain, sports isn't for you
  13. You been divorced four times and can't deal with having a bad favorite sports team, go to therapy for all our sakes
  14. Yall are both boring and exaggerating what people are proposing bc you're stiffs
  15. Is gonna wanna come back here when we trade for Watson
  16. We could pull this off, sign Will Fuller AND Adoree Jackson
  17. This is even a deep offensive line draft, it can be fixed along with the secondary in one draft esp now that they signed a LB
  18. He's a depth signing, Jermaine Carter is gonna play a lot and play well bc he wants a contract, sheesh
  19. Trust me I won't cry over sports ball
  20. Think positive yall, Marty Hurney can not hurt you anymore
  21. With the cap room they have next year, Google it
  22. Draft secondary and offensive lineman, fixed
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