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Everything posted by ImaginaryKev

  1. Yall love believing owners/organizations and trashing QBs, it's weirdly specific
  2. Watson is the shoot for the moon option, but the team has been planning on finding a QB in the draft the entire time too, they were at Lance's Pro Day, so either way they're upgrading there. If they're drafting a guy, I'd hope they can force the traded draft picks to next year
  3. I'm still trading up to 3 for a QB in every PFF mock draft simulator I do during my free time at work, so good thing for the Panthers is they have options and are in position to go forward either way
  4. Him or Fields are both solid picks for us. Who knows what might happen, Jets might pull a fast one
  5. He'd have to measure in at 5'11" to hurt his stock at all. He throws the ball great, no way this goes poorly for him.
  6. I'm not discounting them, I think they're bullshit. Straight up
  7. He's being paid what he's worth on the market, his skill set is replaceable tho
  8. I know lots of folks are actually scared to be proven wrong about stuff on here bc they strangely tie their egos to pie but this poo seems SO sketchy and so clearly a setup I can imagine Deshaun being guilty of this. Not when the lawyer is the owners neighbor. Nah, man.
  9. No one knows anything but if you make a prediction I doubt it automatically lol
  10. You have no idea of knowing this either way
  11. Draft is a month away, yall believe anything you see on the news. Imagine thinking Watson is less credible than the owners lawyer neighbor with a reputation for lying. Jesus
  12. They're being paid by the owner to tank this man's reputation, sad to see it This is payback for Deshaun blowing up their spot and making them look bad the past few months
  13. If they're looking at a replacement in the draft, this year has a ton of guys. Tylan Wallace, Jalen Darden, that UCLA kid who also wears number 10, Amari Rodgers
  14. Guy who's horrible at running an NFL team revealed to be petty and hold grudges? Shocked
  15. Superstar athlete demanded a trade and most folks outside of the occasional chud and Bret Favre were like "he's right, I'd want a trade too." This is payback
  16. I mean I believe women and take sexual assault seriously but this is still all bullshit
  17. Worst part about this is the most boring people on this forum who don't have the balls to take risks with a kids game and are terrified to trade for a Superstar 25 yo qb think this is vindication lol
  18. Superstar quarterback demanded a trade due to incompetence and for like the past two months everyone has been laughing at the Texans organization. QBs trade demands and reasoning are all valid, we all saw the Hopkins trade and the Bill O Brien fiasco. Same week they decide they'll listen to offers, owners lawyer neighbor with a shady past is representing multiple sexual assault accusers. This is dirty as hell, and clearly coordinated
  19. Yikes, he embarrassed this organization and now the owners lawyer neighbor is trying to assassinate his character with horrible accusations. Easy hit job Greg Hardy is different bc he was actually guilty of abusing women. This, this is made up
  20. Don't believe this at all, seems like a shakedown
  21. I wanted Jayon Brown and Shaq Griffin, these players have exceeded my expectations. Landing Watson and Fuller would make it even better
  22. Fitzpatrick is gonna give him chances to catch go balls multiple times a game, he did good for himself
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