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Everything posted by ImaginaryKev

  1. EYE was suspicious of the lawyer and the owner being in cahoots as well as the timing You sitting here making grand general statements about women in general. Not me. We are not operating in the same world at all
  2. I will say, while I doubt a lot about this case, I also have noticed some flat out misogyny in here towards the accusers and that isn't helpful at all, jfc
  3. Very normal that people think if I think THIS case is bullshit that's somehow a commentary on how I feel about ALL sexual assault cases or is a gateway to my overall opinion of women, very very cool conclusions to jump to yall, good work
  4. I think it sounds a lot like a hitjob and am more suspicious of the circumstances and timing, I don't doubt he got massages or there mightve been some uncomfortable moments. Past that I could understand if a women is made to feel uncomfortable by a powerful guy and not being confident in coming forward, power dynamics are real. But the neighbor lawyer, the fake texts, the timing. It seems suspect and I'm not gonna attack this man's character til I get more than a few IG posts. This time next week there might be more information shed and I'd be more willing to side with the accusers if it sounds like DW is a predator. Right now? Nah, it sounds like a setup
  5. I'm not "blaming" them, I'm saying it adds to this situation in particular being fishy. I literally don't need a lecture on being sensitive to sexual assault bc this case sounds like bullshit for multiple reasons, please miss me with that
  6. I remain skeptical bc of the aforementioned factors and the timing. That doesn't make me someone who's insensitive to sexual assault either, no matter how much some folks who are trying to dictate this conversation are trying to make us all believe either. I hope the truth comes out but it sounds suspect as hell to me.
  7. I haven't said one word about whether these women are excorts or masseuses or sex workers. I think sex work is valid and should be decriminalized. I think women don't fake sex assault claims as much as people claim. But this case also sounds like bullshit.
  8. I can be skeptical of this one case in particular while also thinking sexual assault is a big deal. Does the fact this lawyer and the owner being neighbors, and the lawyer has a rep for fabricating texts not matter orrr? Bc it adds some "let's wait and see" context for me.
  9. Find it hard to believe nine victims couldn't find a lawyer without a history of faking texts, then texts are supposedly the big evidence. Seems fishy and worthy of scrutiny.
  10. It isn't, folks don't want to part with draft picks so they're omitting it completely They have a vested message board argument interest in Deshaun being guilty
  11. Bears signed Andy Dalton to play QB and cut this guy lol See guys, told you it could be worse
  12. Great point sir, one could learn a lot from you and how you carry yourself, kudos
  13. Good point sir, very articulate and eloquent, pie for you
  14. I will pie you both the rest of the night if it means you shut up about me pooing your bad takes, sheesh
  15. Someone isn't telling the truth clearly, and based on the behavior and motives of the owner, I think this is a hitjob. What's so confusing about that lol
  16. Safe space, triggered, cancel culture, Drew Brees, blue check marks, get therapy before you shoot up a massage parler
  17. This dude even brought up Dree Brees out of thin air and is calling people triggered now, yep, chud territory
  18. Oh man get off my junk, I pooed a dumb comment or two of yours, get over it child lol
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