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Everything posted by ImaginaryKev

  1. He's honestly fantastic, just want another position more even if no QBs are available
  2. Who cares what they think about our 24yo WR1? They probably hope their team signs him if he hits free agency
  3. Yes we hope our players are good, what's the issue
  4. Imagine being cheap with someone else's money lol
  5. He doesn't score TDs bc the Quarterbacking has been bad, look no further than the Detroit and Minnesota games last year.
  6. DJ does more with less targets, is a better deep threat than Robby, is better after the catch that Curtis, and is the youngest of the bunch. Only reason Robby got more targets earlier in the year was bc he and Teddy worked out in the off-season and they had a comfort level. Eventually the games and your eyes proved what was clear and DJ got more targets. And he did more with em, the ypc was high for a reason.
  7. Salary cap goes up every year, WRs always get paid, DJ Moore is young and getting better every year, he'd get more than Galloday on the open market with two more seasons at the rate he's going
  8. If we use DJ, with his YAC ability that he was known for coming out of Maryland, in the Samuel/Justin Jefferson role next year, no one is gonna wanna consider trading him
  9. If they're trying to trade up, possibly, and were doing the same thing, possibly, that means 4 qbs might go in the top five.
  10. Yea that's why they're gonna trade up for one, not wait around til 9.
  11. I'm tying to aim higher so I'm hoping for a trade up with next year's picks
  12. I don't trust Darnold as a starter bc he used to turn the ball over a lot at USC and i was suspicious of him coming into the NFL but I see the appeal
  13. He clearly has rough edges but he also looks like he has it all and the fact that accuracy is a consistent pro in every eval seems good to me
  14. The people I've seen on pff, ESPN, Twitter, nfl writers all seem to think Wilson or Fields both would go 1 in other years without the presence of a John Elway prospect like Lawrence, and Fields just ran a 4.41 for a QB. They pass the eye test, right now it seems like overanalysis is the issue Fields is facing (considering people are trying to say he maybe can't read defenses when his offense has nfl dudes and the routes take a while to develop) but I guess we'll seeeee
  15. I've seen a lot of opinions online from scouts (not sure how reputable they are but they're on TV all the time) and they disagree, I think you're substituting your opinion on these guys for objective fact and I simply don't agree. I think there are three guys worthy of trading up for, one who won't be possible to trade up for. But again, anything can happen.
  16. You chose to take offense to my reply which I typed with no malice at all, I can't help you got rubbed the wrong way bout an innocuous sentence
  17. I mean if Tepper and the organization have made it known they want a QB and have been in on a few big name QBs mentioned in TRADE talks, what makes anyone think they wont TRADE up in the draft to get a guy? They offered 8 for Stafford, they might consider moving up
  18. You have no idea about that, this is an opinion
  19. Me: I don't trust the timing or the coincidences they seem strange as hell, feels suspect Person posting right below me: Women can't be trusted, they need to pay for their lies Me: wtf
  20. Sheeeiit Once the accusers got past 10 in number and the worst misogynyst you know started posting about how much women need to pay for false accusations or whatever I got no choice but to pump the brakes, despite my best attempts to make distinctions abt what I didn't trust about the case til this afternoon. Justin Fields ran fast yesterday, I'm still on his train
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