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Everything posted by ImaginaryKev

  1. They should be calling the Jets regardless bc trading with them allows you to take your pick from the guys other than Trevor. Miami is a solid option too.
  2. "I don't wanna take risks or give up anything" Why even watch sports lol
  3. Good younger player to try and coach up into a starter considering Dennis Delay is supposed to be a potential starter but can't stay healthy.
  4. Teams go from worst to first every year, and we already have some good young players who are ascending, a QB is what puts you over the top and gets you on the path to competing. Get one and move ahead
  5. Talking bout bust rates, sheesh. You got one life to live and need a QB
  6. I think it'd just take next year's first and like a fifth to move up to 3, tbh. I'm willing to do that for Justin Fields
  7. Alex Leatherwood in the second please God
  8. Probably the year we signed Mike Wahle and Ken Lucas
  9. I mean draft picks are all risks too, QB is the position you rationalize the risk for because of the value of the position. If you'd rather trade for a guy like San Darnold who's shown nothing than take a risk on a rookie contract prospect like Wilson I think you just don't wanna risk anything at all on an unknown and to that I say relax and aim higher
  10. Next year is a great time to try and extend both Moton (if not sooner) and DJ. He'll be a 24 year old WR1, perfect time to extend a player. The year after is when we need to think about Burns getting a deal especially if he ascends the way we all expect him too. He's gotta be better than Carl Lawson right?
  11. I'd rather look to the draft but wouldn't be terrible
  12. We should hope we can push off the draft picks trading up to next year
  13. Wilson and Fields are both worth trading up for, quit overthinking it
  14. He's cooking dudes then having to slow down to time an acrobatic catch every time
  15. By cash I mean he's gonna have the cap room in the foreseeable future considering it's going up and we aren't splurging this year
  16. Tepper has the cash, I'm not worried about it at this point. Right now they have to be thinking ahead on Brian Burns and DJ bc those guys are clearly our most talented first contract guys.
  17. This was allegedly his weakness coming out of college. Now he's good on short stuff, a YAC monster, and a deep threat all on one. And he's not even 25. Lol. He's getting paid, hopefully in Carolina.
  18. Apparently Pitts just ran a 4.46. Best prospect at TE since Vernon Davis. Fantastic player, I'd just rather have a corner or OT
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