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Everything posted by ImaginaryKev

  1. Oh wait, the toddlers thing. I mean the sensitivity over being called toddler proves it though
  2. Not one person here mentioned trading away future firsts for either, you're imagining arguments you're so flustered Please learn to deal with disagreement and grow up
  3. I'm not the one pooing posts, stop projecting your insecurities with disagreement
  4. You're admitting you haven't watched them lol Shallow observations and overreaction are your things aren't they lol
  5. Because we've spent so many draft picks on defense the last two years? Again. Childish. Can't focus on multiple things at once.
  6. Like the fact they think in terms of spark score and say things like "we think he's a second round guard, third round tackle" proves they're not gonna be shy about going against the grain with regards to acquiring a QB and fixing the Offensive line. This fan base is just terrified to draft a QB bc they're not used to having good ones lol.
  7. It's literally game 5, Sam hasn't proven anything yet, everyone knows the offensive line needs work. Multiple things can be true all at once. You can't grasp that, nor do you like planning for contingency and assessing priority in regards to needs lol You'd make a horrible GM, not sorry
  8. Sam Howell and Malil Willis both project well here. One went to UNC, the other went to fugging Liberty, that'd go over great in this town Tepper does not think like folks here, thank god
  9. "FIX THE LINE FIRST" is probably the most childish observation you can make about this team right now, I swear you're some toddlers
  10. They don't get this. Tepper is the reason they had no choice but to get rid of Teddy and they inquired about every big name QB this off-season, from Stafford to an alleged predator. If Sam plays poorly, Tepper is gonna chirp about finding a "franchise quarterback" in the media AGAIN, he's that rich. He don't care.. And it makes sense to do it, too.
  11. We drafted Horn bc we're in the a division with 5 legitimate X receivers and Sewell was gone, they're draft board was different than yours Panthers have two possible starters in Brady and Deonte, both are young but you all know this team drafts players to play them early. It's a thing. They have to find two more interior lineman and you can find that with mid round picks. This lines up with their philosophy. Also, free agency exists. Cap room exists. Sheesh
  12. "We need ten draft picks to find two starting guards!" Lol get a grip
  13. I swear ppl on this message board think "fix the O-line first!" is a commandment or something Screaming about a first round T for years, hate the idea of drafting a QB unless you KNOW he's Andrew Luck. Just soft lol No surprise there's widespread panic when a loss occurs, like you're really in Hell when they lose
  14. You realize there are multiple draft picks in every draft, the Panthers still have some and plan to use them, can aquire more, and free agency exists? With a rising salary cap? Why does this inspire such fear
  15. Also, the usual suspects are always scared to death to draft a first round QB unsurprisingly lol. Gotta be an "Andrew Luck prospect" otherwise it's too big a risk and they need to be talked into it lol If you're scared just say you're scared or buy a dog
  16. Also Sam Darnold would be in contract year next year, you expect him to pull a Donte Jackson and play well. If he doesn't you have a QB ready, if Sam does a Josh Allen then you can trade that QB for multiple picks. Just like the Jets did with Sam Darnold. I swear. Some of yall have no foresight ability.
  17. Willis is bigger than Russell Wilson and Kyler is still a franchise QB. Unconvincing point you're making. Also, Fitters can manufacture draft picks, like he did last year and the salary cap goes up next year so they can sign better guys. Interior O lineman don't require high draft picks anyway, the Panthers have just looked elsewhere to stack the defense the last two years. And there's nothing idiotic about drafting a QB in the first round considering they're always tradeable if your current starter turns out good or you wanna move on (Sam is prime example). Sam also hasn't proven he's good yet and his contract running out next year actually proved QB might be a need soon. You're being ridiculous.
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