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Everything posted by Popsickle

  1. We really do have the better looking Set of brothers.
  2. Those refs can suck Aho’s huge throbbing cock!!!
  3. Ahh what the fug! My stream is still on commercial break. I guess you get what you pay for.
  4. Ooh yeah. I want Tripp to get a tattoo so bad!
  5. Can we just force Tro to play 60 minutes and never leave the ice playing Florida?
  6. Bally needs to get their poo together. Still the first period.
  7. There we go hopefully @Anybodyhome got to see it!
  8. Ok, boys I’ll see you in a few night in my new Tro sweater!
  9. Want to see these stars. Jordan and Peter are obvious. Tro for the last?
  10. Good work tonight boys. Peter, you played amazing. Great work Stall.
  11. Alright boys, play some good hockey. Daddy wants to be in bed on time tonight.
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