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Everything posted by Popsickle

  1. Rod needs to let them go. I’d love a long period of 4-4 hockey. Edit: Nevermind losing Tro would not help us with 4-4 hockey.
  2. Not going to lie. I was saying bad things about Dougie not passing that while the puck went in.
  3. Looks like it with off the guy with an “A”. For the A
  4. Room for improvement. Ahh fug that, Peter is the fuging man!!!!!
  5. Good work tonight boys! And the Canes played well too. Great game Pete!!!
  6. Ugh I love me some John and I love love me some Tripp. Why, why can’t they still be together.
  7. My daughter is on spring break, we will be going to a game next week. We will try and make some noise for you then.
  8. Not a fan of the new in game display.
  9. Come on Mixing Marvel and Star Wars in a single reference. Get your poo together man.
  10. Two inches wide for a butthole seems...large, very large.
  11. Two games against Dallas over the weekend, should be a good opportunity for some points. Hopefully, we can make it count.
  12. Good game tonight boys. Edit: Well, maybe not a good game, but two points nonetheless.
  13. Let McGinn play goalie, we all know he can
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