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About Grendel

  • Birthday May 9

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  1. I’ve seen all the opening games and this is brutal.
  2. Have we ever had a worse loss in an opening game?
  3. Great to hear he is leaving. Our drafts have been terrible since he arrived.
  4. This may of been covered earlier in this thread but I hope we do not keep any of the assistant coaches. If Canales is going to have a chance with Tepper he needs to be able to trust his staff.
  5. F@ck when will this poo end!!!! It’s going from bad to worse. This is a horrible idea.
  6. I don’t think the journalist is being lazy. Mayo never played for the Panthers. He has been a life long Patriot. It must be something else.
  7. That would be nice but we need to get PJ some reps as well.
  8. This money paid just doesn’t make sense. I’ve been stewing on this for a day and it just pisses me off.
  9. They did a great job. Truly a one of kind piece.
  10. Best Panthers news in years. KEEP POUNDING
  11. Been pulling for Panthers, NCSU and Carolina Hurricanes all my life. You always stick by your team. It makes you savor the good year years more. Some of you have been spoiled pulling for UNC and Duke basketball. Most teams suck more often than not very few are great consistently.
  12. So I don’t have time to read through 9 pages but Rhule gets the added hate over Ron because he keeps lying and saying things that do not make sense. He earned the hate.
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