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Aussie Tank

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Everything posted by Aussie Tank

  1. I’d try trade Bozeman to the Rams they need interior lineman. And we don’t really need his depth this year
  2. Sure fire Prospect means fug all it comes down to coaching and team building. Luck and Lawrence best prospects in last 20 years have won fug all. Not until we get a solid coaching staff the QB will be irrelevant. Fingers crossed we tick both boxes this off-season
  3. Or he saw his Arizona tenure and thought that’s a man that can guarantee the No 1 pick
  4. At least give the man a chance to tie his fate to a coach of his choosing
  5. That’s right gotta hit rock bottom to ensure there’s only 1 way to go
  6. I’d be petty as fug and just make him run hospital routes over the middle and let him get popped if we can’t trade him
  7. First things first you need competent coaching but with the mans physical gifts you gamble on them all day at the end of the first start of the second. Proper offences will get them on the field early in packages
  8. Richardson is the type of pick that you take at the end of the first start of the second and don’t look back. Lamar and Hurts draft range
  9. There’s something going down in LA with the way Akers is acting
  10. After this weekends game I can see us moving a couple of players
  11. I love Burns but if we did get offered a kings ransom jump on it. Can always replace him with Anderson in the draft saving a fortune in the process
  12. I think some of our players get moved after this weeks game
  13. You always play your best players. But after we trade away 2-3 of our best players it becomes more of a productive struggle than an outright tank
  14. I can’t just run on blind hope forgetting his time in Arizona. Yes he should of got more of a chance but he didn’t so that’s all we got to go off
  15. The man didn’t appreciate being talked down to at the press conference love it
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