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Aussie Tank

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Everything posted by Aussie Tank

  1. You want to saddle next year to a 3rd round injured QB from a weak class and you call me a troll.
  2. A draft position where 100s of player personal showed the world what they though of him. And then yes looking like garbage in preseason along with being injury prone. But he threw a ball into a net a few times so he’s better than much better prospects in your eyes
  3. Every QB is a might some just have less question marks. Corral is garbage having him as our only young QB would be embarrassing
  4. That’s pretty weak gotta be a better fan base than the Saints
  5. Gonna have to unless we get another offer in the off-season
  6. We’re in a better position we have got a better young core. Plus all JTs college and first couple years usage are starting to mount
  7. Was a bullshit call but it’s worked in our favour in the long run
  8. Don’t worry half the fans in here sit on the TV and watch the couch
  9. Exactly we can live with Moore’s contract if we can draft an Alpha opposite him. The Burns no trade and consequential 120 mill deal it’s gonna take to keep him will cripple us even more
  10. Best play for that premium draft position. We don’t want Baker hitting his snap percentage to upgrade the trade
  11. They saw flashes then got the man a true alpha WR in Diggs. Seems to be working the same in Philly that’s why I’m starting to lose faith in Moore he’s not making QBs better
  12. He not coming here you can take that to the bank
  13. Definitely the saints to push us down 4 spots in the draft on the last week of the season
  14. Didn’t you see his talent jump off the screen throwing balls in a net he’s better than all the QBs in this draft. Even though the NFL told us his pre draft talent was barely 3rd round, he’s made of glass plus he looked horrible against 4th string players in preseason
  15. We’re gonna be tanking for 18 months if all these pro Corral fan boys get their way
  16. I was old enough to remember people thinking we may have found something special in Walker because of a blown coverage Hail Mary. And a lot if people blaming the Arizona GM for 3-13 season and wanting to give Wilks the full time gig here.
  17. And to think some people call me a troll
  18. Rojo is garbage RBs need to be able to catch a ball
  19. Our LT is the least of our problems
  20. Stop it morale victories make the world go round around here
  21. Yep definitely not the same side
  22. Your giving the Rams way to much credit their ship has sailed. They’re the luckiest side at the deadline because we said no
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