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Aussie Tank

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Everything posted by Aussie Tank

  1. Richardson for me but need to pair him with the Philly OC as our next HC
  2. If your Tepper you do what you want. It’s like every work place you bring it up in your next CBA. Like they could argue safety but others here have posted studies that don’t really point one way of the other
  3. Good games for sure still need a proper stud 3 down LBer
  4. If we’re gonna swing might as well be for the fences
  5. Richardson paired with Eagles OC at HC spend some money on Geseki in FA. Draft a true slot receiver shift Viska to a Cordarelle Patterson role and resign Foreman. Then spend rest of draft capital on defence and Oline depth. That my off-season seeing were gonna win our way out of the Young stakes
  6. Because Wilks hates all my fantasy teams with DJ Moore in them
  7. Hope like hell that someone wants to come up for someone
  8. What are the outs in his contract look like?
  9. Showing other teams that he’s supportive and not a sulker
  10. I would like to transition Viska to a Patterson role to complement Forman and draft a true slot receiver in the 2nd
  11. That could cook his career his main asset was speed and quick twitch
  12. That’s it he could be very special for us in those roles
  13. That’s everyone’s plan at QB haven’t you heard Corral is the second coming of Montana
  14. The thing about Corral playing with all the rag tag bunch was he looked like he fitted in. Normally good players stand out around scrubs not our Matty boy. And for the love of god stop comparing him outlier QBs like it’s the norm and not the exception
  15. Much more of a foundational piece than Burns
  16. They hope players like Corral turn into a franchise guy because Montana, Brady and Wilson weren’t first round picks
  17. And I hope the team see a franchise QB and get him for the team and fan bases sake. But first things first need a competent fuging coach
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