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Aussie Tank

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Everything posted by Aussie Tank

  1. Stroud slips to the Titans. Falcons take Bijan
  2. Good chance 1 is the only pick we stay at
  3. It would be pretty easy info for the top teams in the draft to find out so I don’t really buy other teams leaking he had a bad score. But all reports coming out now is Stroud is gonna slip in the draft there has to be a reason
  4. With the hard to coach reports about Stroud I’m getting Rosen vibes about him.
  5. Kuntz would be a great pick later in the draft like OP posted
  6. TEs historically take a long time to develop. If Addison fell to 39 I d take him but this isn’t a very strong WR draft just to take one for the sake of it
  7. I bet Young will have more career TD than Corral, Trask and Strong combined haha
  8. Trying to get a team to send them a 6th for him that’s all
  9. Start thinking with your top head not your bottom one
  10. We have your track record that will have to do
  11. Just draft Bijan and hope he can throw every once and a while
  12. Corral took 2 steps and got hurt with an injury history following him from college and your here running down Young about injuries that might happen
  13. Guess who else threw a pretty ball when everything was in sync but also had reports of being hard to coach Josh Rosen
  14. So you want your QB to sacrifice themselves meeting LBs in the open field instead of picking defences apart with their arm ok cool.
  15. Hero ball is trying to run over defenders Young escapes pressure to distribute
  16. No I want our “Accountant” to be an A class distributor not a hero ball QB that will break down over time. Just like the past Goats at the position
  17. He only wants them looking good stepping off the bus. On the field he doesn’t care less
  18. Remember your trying to reason with a doomsday prepper
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