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Everything posted by mav1234

  1. All of the what ifs, it's just one game, etc stuff ignores that this is Rhule's third season and his teams never look prepared for anything. Wins feel good but unless we change the entire direction of the game in this scenario, I don't feel any better about the season by squeaking a win out against a depleted Browns team.
  2. Won't care until Rhule shows he can coach or he's fired. I think we all know which of those is more likely to occur first
  3. Personnel this long into a HCs tenure can't be divorced from the coach themself. This is the D that Rhule/Snow built...
  4. Not like the Browns only advanced because of penalties. The D has been soft for years. Our coaches on D belong in college...
  5. Personnel can't be blamed 3 years into a head coach. It's scheme. It's fuging scheme. It's Rhule.
  6. Still to be determined with Baker. Teddy best overall Sam had the highest potential... Biggest highs and hope based on early games. Baker looks like I expected a retread to look, bht still very early
  7. They start talking about best teammate (which they say is OBJ btw) at about 52:20 about distracts, rumors, and teammate quality. edit: They really, really make OBJ sound good (and Mayfield as well)
  8. I think the "but it was weird" was in reference to "...but Baker was a good teammate too, you know I hung out with the offense guys too and..." (obviously paraphrased). I don't think he meant it was weird that Baker took him to dinner / was weird himself, but the SITUATION was weird (which seems likely based on Garrett's comments) edit: Yeah, the end he talks about "those relationships" being f'd, and he seems to be referring to the wider team relationships, rather than his with Baker.
  9. Does anyone know where to find more of this interview? Looks like it would have been an interesting one.
  10. Although I was a huge fan of Mayfield's statements in the wake of the Garrett helmet incident, I imagine that earned him no friends in the lockerroom, and the two of them were already rumored to be at odds. Meh.
  11. Realistically Rhule had no interest in developing him so he had an uphill battle with this staff too. I don't think it's crazy to imagine carrying 3 QBs in a circumstance where we draft one high in the first next year, though. If (and that's honestly a bigish if) Corral makes off season strides and plays well during camp/preseason he could still make the team and be poised to be the main backup in year 3, regardless of new staff. It's technically possible, but imo incredibly unlikely, the same general idea could allow him to become starter. QBs on cheap contracts have a lot of value, and while Corral is a project now, he'll be much less of one next year. And he will at minimum get a chance to perform in camp / preseason. I think a new coach is likely but Fitterer will likely still be here, so I think Corral will have one advocate still.
  12. 3rd round rookies rarely rescue franchises, and some fans seemed to think that was his future here. I'll be happy if he turns into a solid backup. His story isn't written yet but it isn't looking particularly promising all things considered. He'll get another shot to show what he learned next year.
  13. I wonder what the jets can fleece us for this time based around a players college potential...
  14. I mean our head coach seems more interested in what players did in college, too (and particularly where they went to college )
  15. Yeah, for sure. He wwasn't going to play much, if at all, this year. And if he was playing, we were not going to be in a good position. But it undeniably will slow his development. Ah well. He was already a long shot, despite the FO rhetoric.
  16. my point is just these people that think this is a good thing... ugh.
  17. Being on IR isn't sitting on the bench. It isn't even close. He won't get experience in practice etc. At least some elements of the mental game through team meetings may improve but yeah.
  18. Of course they're going to draft a new QB. He'll still get a chance in camp I bet.
  19. He'll get his chance next year with our new coach, but that's because he was a 3rd rounder, not because of whatever grade he had. It wasn't like he showed anything at all this preseason - which probably was on Rhule's shitty player development.
  20. this is not a good thing - as a 3rd rounder he had an uphill battle to even make it as a backup. A significant injury makes that even less likely.
  21. This would square with supposed rumors from the team a week ago Rhule prefers Darnold but it's clear to all of us he isn't the answer.
  22. Our coaching staff blows. Why would we expect them to help along a rookie ahead of schedule when they can give the coaches son or whatever PJ is the extra reps? If Darnold is worse than PJ, cut him. If PJ isn't better, cut him. Our 3rd rounder needs reps, even of he kinda sucks.
  23. That isn't fair to Gettis - Gettis had a decent rookie season. TMJs a preseason rookie all star.
  24. His comments about triggering people etc are disgusting. I hope he comes to realize what he's done and does get help. I am skeptical that'll happen any time soon.
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