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Everything posted by mav1234

  1. Oh we surely aren't catching them no matter what and I seriously doubt the bears or rams are either. Just weird.
  2. Wouldn't put anything past NFL owners...
  3. Fair enough, just very weird decision.
  4. Or Lovie is deliberately coaching to ensure the #1 despite seemingly having it locked up by a mile anyway? Just weird.
  5. I have several, among them is talking about/following my favorite football team, which includes potential draft picks. Ignore the thread if you don't like it. There's plenty of threads on the Huddle I don't follow, just ignore what you don't care about.
  6. No. I hope for the best for him but it's hard to get excited about a player that looked terrible in his only action and was then injured. Not saying we shouldn't give him a chance, but ugh.
  7. Hard to trust we will pull out the win but it's very possible. If Darnold controls his mistakes and the D plays as they're capable, our rushing O should move the ball OK. I think this will come down to Darnold, who I have very little faith in.
  8. I dunno about 3rd year. He might benefit from sitting a year, but Verge's comments lead me to believe that he isn't as raw as some of us thought (or still think I guess).
  9. Right?? Admittedly it's highlights but many of his highlights are just effortless throws across the field, deep down field, etc. Interviews with him will be soo important, and while he's not my #1, I'd be stoked if we drafted him and got a promising offense oriented HC...
  10. So do you think how raw he looked is largely a product of how he was used and who was around him in Florida? Especially early in the year he seemed really inconsistent.
  11. I'd rather be a team that swings for the fences with a QB draft pick than waits until the late rounds hoping someone slips. I completely agree that I don't trust his team to develop any QB, but sometimes players surprise us even when coordinators don't. I'd rather have a QB to be excited about, and hopefully Tepper isn't fooled by recent records and sees the value of an offense minded coach. We will see...
  12. This is great perspective, thanks, and even more generous than I and others who like have said. I've come around to him way way more the more I dig.
  13. Corral will get a shot to sink or swim regardless of the choice of a QB, but either way, nobody is going to roll into the season with him as the only option to start. Even if we draft AR or any other QB, Corral will still be there in camp to show if he's developed, but there will also be a vet QB we bring in as a backup or bridge.
  14. All good. Honestly, the more I've looked into AR and his circumstances, the more I really like him. I caught some of his series across a few games earlier in the year and tbh I wasn't as impressed because I didn't know anything about the team around him etc, and didn't usually watch full games to get a glimpse of some of his better plays. He oozes potential, and I think he has all the traits that NFL GMs love. I think he's going to go high, but I also am far from a professional evaluator.
  15. I don't think you are right here. I think its clear he liked Baker, and he really did NOT look much better than Darnold in the offense, so its no surprise. Remember, he hadn't had a one on one with Darnold until like mid season last year, so its not like he was in love with him. And he also refused to give Corral many reps, so. Rhule just fuging sucked, and our offensive staff isn't much better. Baker has a much better staff around him, simple as that. I don't think this is just the fact his coaches believe in him or some poo - this is actual NFL talent as offensive coaching staff, something we don't really have here.
  16. Baker may deliver us better draft positioning after all, yay.
  17. Yeah sorry - I wasn't knocking those 100 yard rushes or 400 yard passing - my intent was to show he isn't some kind of "rushing QB" alone. 400 yard games are imo relatively special for a passer, and so if AR was just a running back pretending to be a QB he wouldn't have the same number of 400 yard games as 100 yard rushing games. There are *many* QBs that are far more rush-first than AR was.
  18. Oh definitely. But barring something troubling between now and then, I expect he'll go mid first if not earlier.
  19. As I'm sure you know but others may not, he had as many 400 yard passing games as 100 yard rushing games... If all he has was potential to run the ball he wouldn't be the prospect he is. Arm strength is awesome and he made some impressive throws. But he also has a long way to go consistency wise... If he didn't he'd be consensus #1...
  20. I'm not sure that he and I agree on the bolded part here... But you're spot on.
  21. He's had some good stretches so he'll definitely land some place as a backup. But I don't know if I'd say he's top notch. Regardless I agree that using him as a bridge isn't that bad an idea. There will be other options though, and it depends what he wants for a contract. I can't help but think some of the others might be more interesting as vet bridges.... E.g. Gardner Minshew... Otoh he feels like one of the QBs that is going to want to be more than a bridge or backup. Darnold, depending on his last five, might too.
  22. He could but I think he's a better overall prospect than Fields and I don't think there are better QBs than him to supplant him in the top of the draft.
  23. Not yet but Teddy wasn't that way his first year either. Stroud has a much better arm than TB, and I think he'll get the mental aspect of the NFL game down, too. But it seems likely he'll be gone before we have a shot at him.
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