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Everything posted by mav1234

  1. Don't forget completely whiffing on tackles in the backfield counting for half of a TFL!!
  2. You and I had numerous posts earlier in the season that this part of his game wasn't seeming to translate from college basically for whatever reason... It's nice to see several plays today where he looks to be finding the playmaking ability he has at Alabama... Hopefully more and more every week
  3. Bryce is playing like the player we drafted from ALA - the play extensions have been remarkable and his off platform "elasticity" was actually on display today, really exciting. Give this guy a bit better OL play and a decent receiver and IMHO he's gonna be very good (is that not positive enough? haha). Bryce is playing better every week, I'm actually excited for his development.
  4. I mean he's our most consistent corner. ...that isn't saying much tbqh but hey, at least he's on the field!
  5. Bryce looking really, really good. Incredibly clear how much better this offense would be with a little more competency at WR. Hard to judge playcalling given this is the Texans D, but still. Looking better than the past weeks so far.
  6. I mean I kinda get it but the dude hasn't made a good decision in a while I feel and if Tepper isn't sure I wouldn't be surprised, especially with how it seems he's already meddling
  7. It's possible he's been told he can't make moves unless they're heavily in our favor. If the owner is as unhappy as some say I bet he's being involved in what marquee players we let go. I think Tepper is delusional and thinks this roster is actually good.
  8. Yeah... What's that somewhat dumb saying? The most important skill is the ability to stay on the field... This isn't like CMC at all, as CMC was widely considered one of the best skill players in the NFL by fans all over. Nobody has heard of Horn outside of Carolina.
  9. What do you mean? The fact they're less valuable is why you never see direct swaps in the early rounds to a subsequent year without other compensation. I did argue it back then, but my point wasn't values are fixed, unlike some here - that's the point. Saying we won't accept anything less than 2 first rounders isn't accurate because the exact deal is more nuanced than that. I understand why you and all of us now would rather have had those picks next year and the year after, but my point was were dealing with a staff that was then and is now trying to win. It doesn't help Fitt to collect draft picks years down the road when the player in theory could contribute to our competitiveness. Or course, we suck, and should trade him, but this team probably thinks it has a shot at the playoffs still, heh.
  10. The bolded is not what the draft value depreciation tables say, rather the value of the pick is halved (not full round loss). It also depends where the teams think a pick is likely to fall, but in general it's a halving of value each year. That is NOT the same as saying a player in 2023 drafted in the 3rd is as valuable as a first rounder in 2025. You're completely wrong that a 2025 first is more valuable to a front office than a 2023 first... I'm sorry... That's just not the NFL. Players also don't compete immediately often, even first rounders get better with time, so those two years mean a lot. I get why as fans you can think that about rookie contracts but teams expect to turn it around quicker than 4-5 years out (when you'd expect a 2025 first to pay the most dividends). Hell, this team thought they had playoff aspirations lol.
  11. Lol you think they would have let us keep the 2024 first and taken out 2025 first instead? If not, you're actually making my point for me. Nothing was debunked, fans just see draft picks different from NFL front offices. I wouldn't be surprised if Burns goes for fewer picks this year but that the relative value in the year of the trade is similar or higher.
  12. I don't get why you keep bringing up DJ Johnson and Matt Corral, lol. In the year 2021, a 2022 3rd round pick has a lot more value than a 2025 3rd round pick. When talking first rounders it isn't that simple since the formulas aren't just a full round depreciation. And the question is if Brian Burns on the Panthers for half of 2022, all of 2023, and 2024 (we will def. tag him) at a minimum is worth more than a first rounder in 2024 and 2025... The Dolphins went from the bottom to the top by having a good coach, hitting on a couple good draft picks, etc. Some of that was trades, some of it was smart FA decisions. First rounders are on average more talented, yes, but a first rounder 2 years away is less useful than a player on your team now. That's basically it. In 2 years, a front office could be totally different, so yeah.
  13. You can feel it is a bad approach if you want, but it doesn't change the way front office value future picks. You're asking coaches and GMs to trade for picks they may never, ever use. The way teams value picks means that the effective value of a Burns trade could be more this year than last if there's a first rounder in this year's draft included, heh. There's no guarantee where teams will be drafting in the first round in 2025 etc... That's a big reason the value changes.
  14. haha I still remember all the moaning about how much we paid CMC. Good times, good times.
  15. Just a reminder the trade for Burns did not contain a 2023 first rounder and so by most front office beliefs the two first rounders offered were not the same as to a fan. I am pretty sure if the Rams had included a 2023 first instead of 2025, Burns woulda been gone.
  16. It's funny you mention this because there are so many catches that our receivers make where they're just run down a few yards later, and I imagine Smitty just breaking tackles or running right past those defenders half the time.
  17. The more I watch the film breakdowns from MIA the more hopeful I am in Young long term with the right kind of scheme. I am worried about his deep ball, but he has some impressive anticipation overall, overall good pocket movement (less on display vs MIA tbh), and seems to be consistently making the right read. Also holy crap are our receivers / their routes / concepts atrocious looking.
  18. Waaay too early to poo on the 2023 picks. The real indictment is 2022. Insanely bad picks. 2023 may be more of the same, but it's absolutely too soon to say.
  19. I don't give a poo if Bryce can throw it forty yards into tight coverage but we do need to find a way to stretch (usually more 15-20 yard routes) the field. But this isn't just a Bryce thing. The protection is fuging atrocious and our playcalling is ridiculous. Some videos refer to our formations as living fossils. Lol
  20. Pffs grades for Burns always surprise me, and make me wonder how bias against him I've become lately for whatever reason - I like him as a player but have been disappointed yet he's hitting some good pff numbers consistently. Love seeing Bryce in our top 5.
  21. I really hope you're right, haha. I do want to like Bryce as our qb of the future... I just keep seeing things that aren't suggesting high ceiling to me... But hoping very much I'm wrong.
  22. Man. I just don't see the things you highlighted consistently enough... Yes, from time to time, a few plays a game. No, our offense doesn't do him any favors. But he's got a receiver who is on pace for an exceptionally good season and he's still averaging like 5 ypa, which is beyond atrocious. It's true he looked good with a run game and we inexplicably went away with it. It's also true he can't seem to connect over the top. Those throws are there, he just hasn't made them. Other rookies are making those throws... He's completed maybe 2 passes that were 20 yards past the los. He's only attempted like 7 total in 5 games. We don't need him throwing 40 yards every play but we have to connect deep more. His average depth of target is atrocious... As to his football IQ, we had to dumb the scheme down for him. Throwing off platform is great and all, and he's had some amazing plays so far doing so... But they are still only going a dozen yards. Meh. Even still, I could see him becoming a low end starter or quality backup. But... We need him to be more than that. Luckily he'll have a few years to show what he has.
  23. That's fair. I suppose I'd say a #1 pick that never cracks the top half of starters for the team drafting him is a bust. Maybe just my opinion tho. My post came off a bit aggressive and wasn't meant to.
  24. Apparently he's a super computer? I dunno man tbh. I think we've seen some good plays and I wouldn't be surprised if he becomes a servicable to good starter. But I think what we gave up we would expect more than that...
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