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Everything posted by mav1234

  1. The reports I read was that Rhule wanted to bring in his own staff, and the Jets wanted to force him to bring in Williams. Ofc, both bringing in a college staff and not wanting Greg Williams can be the same. Snow was always going to go with Rhule wherever he went... he isn't my biggest problem on our staff either.
  2. Right. I actually think it's totally reasonable for a hc to reject a request for a team to have a heavy hand in picking a staff to the point of requiring a specific DC too. Otoh, I don't get our need to give him seeming control over personnel... Whatever tho, I'm still hoping for a new years miracle and a new coach in 2022. I know, I know...
  3. Why do you think Tepper is responsible for us passing on Fields? Isn't this the opposite of media reports? Don't get me wrong, I'm not happy with him. Just curious what your rationale is RE: QB since it seems kinda the opposite until maybe Cam recently. This isn't really true tho. Rhule didn't want a specific DC the Jets wanted. I don't remember the exact details but there was mutual interest. Same with the Giants - in fact Giants just didn't want to pay him what Tepper was willing to. Rhule was a hot coaching commodity... We don't need to act like we were the only team willing to take a chance cause he didn't work out.
  4. Gilmore is a priority; depending on the the defense our new coach goes with, Reddick too if possible. And Zane. Carter and Abdullah are good depth depending on their asking prices. Abdullah is good but not exceptional, but if he's willing to go at market price...
  5. Was posted a bit earlier... Ellis had some comparisons to past years there.
  6. Wouldn't be surprised if we did, but Covid wrecked their roster. Then again I guarantee the rookie they have looks much better vs us, lol. He barely had any prep time this week. If he's playing next week he'll look better. But I wouldn't be surprised if Cam pulls some crazy plays outta nowhere.
  7. Maybe a big 12 championship in year 4 if we're lucky? Like I don't even get it lol
  8. I don't even know wtf this process is even building. The team is weak in every sense of the word. I don't care a ton about losses if we'd at least see progress!
  9. He should be glad there are enough Panthers fans left in the stadium for the team to hear our displeasure.
  10. he was part of the problem, but the lack of NFL coaches on the roster is quite apparent. the players we do have are regressing, nobody but a handful of long-time temple players are showing any promise... just a shitshow IMO.
  11. I don't think there is a convincing argument to keep him, but the one I see most often is that his first year was mid pandemic and so this really is his first full offseason with the team. The team showed early promise (ignoring the terrible fade it's shown since lol), and it's star player on offense and first round rookie on D are both on IR. Tepper firmly believes it takes time to build a winner and Rhule hasn't had much time. Honestly I don't buy it and hope he's fired. But yah, that's an argument folks make.
  12. Tepper isn't going to pay this dude to coach for 7 years lol. The only reason Rhule gets another season is if Tepper buys the excuses. He might. Tepper believes it takes time to builds a winner, too, so perhaps he'll give Rhule another year. I hope not.
  13. I could see him being allowed to finish this season. If he's given another year... Man... I just don't understand. I can't imagine Tepper is satisfied a the the teams progress lol.
  14. I want him fired but if Tepper is going to give him another year I really hope he cleans house on most assistants and brings in NFL coaches... Snow hasn't been atrocious, but he really seems figured out, so...
  15. Okay, well, it'll be nice to have a break from obsessing over this team for a year. Thanks Tepper.
  16. Seems that as long as you draft intelligently for the OL you can also spend money to get good FAs there to fill holes etc. LT is best in the draft if possible for sure. Problem is our staff believe in themselves too much. They think they can salvage careers... The hubris is real. So we bargain shop...
  17. God I hope he just sticks with Darnold. Can't trust this guy to evaluate anything and we already are on the hook for Sammy D next year regardless. Maybe if he's dumb enough to believe in Darnold he can stumble into building other parts of the team for our next HC. The fewer assets we let Rhule deal the better...
  18. Well that's nice of Tepper to save me some money on TV packages.
  19. Ahh. Hopefully someone asks Rhule about it next press conference. Very weird for sure, although I'm already so used to Rhule bumbling everything I wouldn't be surprised if he listed the wrong player or some crap
  20. Great football player? By what metric? Dude was not good. Atrocious passer, meh runner. His best season was objectively bad in comparison to every single other QB mentioned in this thread including Dalton and Flacco...
  21. I thought the passing O looked promising at first. Then it crashed and burned. Actually not unlike last year lol. Took the defense longer but it's clearly been figured out too.
  22. Uhhhhhhhh... Sam had a decent stretch but was clearly figured out... Just like the entire offense... Hell DBs flat out told us they knew our routes lololol. I mean the only time he looked decent after the Cowboys game was a couple series against the Vikings in hurry up...
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