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Everything posted by mav1234

  1. Eh, why not? They're teammates... I don't think he's trying to talk poo about Cam... I think the illustration was that the offense as a whole regardless of who is QB isnt able to get it done. The OL is such a shitshow it isn't a surprise.
  2. The OL is atrocious. Doesn't matter who is our QB.
  3. This sounds like a quote about the last few weeks of offensive struggles...
  4. That's very true. I think the hubris of this shitty staff is exemplified by the situation on offense... They just happened to have stumbled into some better players on D (many of whom were here before they were) so the D hides a lot of their ineptitude.
  5. The Darnold trade was not good but I don't hate it. However, we gave him a totally poo line, didn't bring a vet qb presence in, etc etc. You laid it out perfectly why this was so very bad. And the trade looks worse without our 3rd rounder too.
  6. So, is the OL only a problem when Cam starts or...? You guys are funny. Sam sucks, so does our OL. Rhule is garbage.
  7. Please do stick with Sam next year... Please. Please please please...
  8. To be fair, he could both have had among the worst OLs in the NFL his entire career and also be atrocious. I mean, he's played for two dumpster fires of teams...
  9. I don't think any QB, no matter who, has us in the playoffs but our QBs this year have been atrocious. Darnold probably has more INTs than completions over 15 yards.
  10. Unfortunately dj has been giving up on routes his whole career... He has the talent to be a #1 but whether the qb situation or coaching has done it, he just doesn't seem able to keep his focus thru a season.
  11. I agree that if DJ is a #1 WR he makes that catch. Unfortunately whatever our coaches are doing to our WRs has made them unable to catch anything.
  12. True, it wasn't an awful throw, but its not just one throw that's the problem. That's true but I think if dj doesn't need to try to get a ball thrown a bit behind him he's blown past that LB
  13. Record only says so much. But his ball placement is inconsistent at best and his decision making is so bad he seems unable to get past his first read anymore.
  14. Darnold is so bad. That's a TD to DJ if the ball is thrown better at all.
  15. Nothing. He's bad. He has the physical but not mental tools. Don't be fooled.
  16. Darnold just isn't an NFL qb. He can't process fast enough.
  17. Dunno what the playcall was but looked like Darnold was swallowed too fast for anything anyway. There's the offense we all know and "love"
  18. I care less about draft position than I do about Rhule being exposed week in and week out in hopes we can make a change.
  19. Give him time, we've seen him go from a great half to total implosion... And we know we don't adjust at half time... fug man if he saves rhules job I'm gonna be so pissed
  20. Darnold better not save rhules fuging job what the poo is this I mean great run by Chubba but fug
  21. I don't love any of these prospects but in a general sense I think if you have a high pick and need a QB for the future, you take the QB. If we had a new staff, I'd be fine with a QB at our selection and building the OL in whatever other ways we can. Start Darnold or some vet next year, let the new kid learn. I don't want Rhule ruining another QB, though. I'd rather he build OL but I expect him to focus on D again lol The reality is this OL is bad but with NFL coaching and more intelligent drafting and FA, it'll be capable of low-mid tier protection, I believe. Individually we've seen several parts have decent to good games but our geniuses in charge can't get out of their own way.
  22. A catastrophic meltdown, you say? How bad are we needing to lose? Lol... This team hasn't been consistently competitive since week 3 against trash teams.
  23. I bet typical fans likely spend a greater portion of their income yearly at Panthers games than it would cost Tepper to say goodbye to Rhule.
  24. Yup, then Rhule and Tepper have a noncommittal "supportive" meeting so the team ostensibly stands behind it's coach during the season, while giving it plenty of outs in the offseason...
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