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Everything posted by mav1234

  1. It was a week or two ago now. I thought he'd be retained then (I think so now too although who knows if we get blown out this weekend), but I don't think that is a good decision, and I think he'll be fired mid season next year.
  2. I've already answered you on if I thought Rhule would be back or not. Why not answer my Q? Do you think Rhule is going to lead this team to the SB?
  3. Do you think Rhule is going to lead this team to a Superbowl?
  4. To be truthful, if we have a new staff I'm okay with Pickett. I just... I don't trust Rhule with ANY young player, let alone a QB.
  5. Addison is going to have a chance to show what he can do in the NFL for sure. As to Pickett... Impossible to say, because he didn't have it. We also have to consider the caliber of opponents too. Burrows detonated Georgia and Clemson and probably had one of the best games against a Saban defense in a long time...
  6. At first I didn't agree, but Luke especially was a guy that took on a different role and then quit what seemed like a great opportunity for him, and as time goes on, I'm more on your and others side that he got a peak at the emperor before he unveiled his new clothes...
  7. Yup, we are tossing out what he did in year 1... Which for clarity was go 2-9 over the last 11 games of the season. And dump a low end starter he had in 2020 for a total dumpster fire of a QB. The real reason is the simple and plain regression visible across the roster. What players Rhule brought in actually look better in year 2 than 1? What players look worse? Which units showes strong improvement down the stretch? If Rhule is a great coach some part of the team should show that... It doesn't. Hell, our most improved unit is special teams, all cause we lucked into a kick returner that doesn't fumble and an incredible (and now injured) kicker.
  8. Funny you mention him, since Gettis' one year is looking disturbingly similar to Anderson's.
  9. It's also worth noting that altho I agree Burrows shows how a QB can have a meteoric rise and be worth if after a one year wonder season... Burrows season was insane. It wasn't just a really great college season like Pickett. He had one of the most impressive college seasons of all time lol. 65 total TDs, 5.7k passing yards (>6k total), and 6 ints. Insanely productive...
  10. I don't know man. Some of the stuff he's said and done is... Really out there. There's plenty of selfish players. Something seems really wrong up there for AB.
  11. Interesting trends thru time in that thread ... Panthers D has been trending down since the early weeks, where it was able to play the Taysom Hills of the NFL;)
  12. Is this just for week 17, or up to Week 17? I think we had a thread about O/D EPA over the last ~5 games, and we were among the worst in both.
  13. Yes for sure. Wilsons one year wonder was a glimpse into potential because he was still pretty young... Pickett's feels like a college culmination... Which is much less enticing in a pro prospect to me imo. I don't hate Pickett but I'm just so much more interested in other prospects.
  14. Lance was mentioned because of his crazy Year in 2019, but never before that. He was a complete 1 year wonder. So he was this big enigma the entire 2020 season as to where he'd go. Wilson actually was similar to Pickett. Not really much/any talk about him heading into 2020, then skyrocketed to #2 after the season... He really made a name for himself in 2020 after uninspiring years before that (2019 was 14 total TDs in 9 games). Another one year wonder, but with 3 years of starts... Fields was still widely considered ahead of him until the evaluation period after the season.
  15. It's also important to note this is still early in the QB evaluation period. A lot can and will change... Lance and Wilson moved up a ton, Fields fell pretty far between now and draft day in 2021s draft... There's also a possibility covid 2020 seasons are going to make scouting QBs coming out this year much harder... Pickett isn't necessarily in that group since he has so many years of film.
  16. Notice we don't see the Tre Boston paste anymore from him
  17. You said we should be worried if he gets Teppers contact info. His recent behavior has me more worried for you. This post count tracking poo is weird.
  18. Im expecting another 4 or 5 win season. The thing is, Rhule is a bad coach but we have enough talent on D to win a few games. Just enough to keep us out of the too spot of the draft imo.
  19. Not a huge fan of Smith's typical delivery of opinion, but he's right, and I'm glad people closer to the organization are speaking up.
  20. Its possible Nixon is demoted/returns to his old spot and we get a new OC. I could see that... It's a perfect opportunity for Rhule to show Tepper he's making changes without hurting his friends careers. Snow is not going anywhere... Just can't imagine it.
  21. Except the early 1st is a perfect place to get an exceptional starter. Look at our 2nd and 3rd rnd draft history... Imo we need to stay near the top of the 1st, grab a solid addition to the OL, and go from there. I'd love to trade back a few spots but honestly I think we are better off filling a hole for sure than hoping day 2+ picks develop into the high level talent we want. We do have some good young pieces too we just need new cosches.
  22. I don't think you can blame Tepper for Darnold himself; that was the genius of Rhule. Tepper saying you have to keep looking for a QB if you don't see that you have that franchise guy I think was more about drafting one since Teddy clearly wasn't it. Tepper wanted Fields but we all know how that turned out... Teddy also threw the coaches under the bus and I feel like once you knock the coaches like that, you're usually gone if you aren't a superstar.
  23. He's not wrong, just need a new coaching staff.
  24. This is what happens when you have college coaches. Versatility matters more there I think.
  25. I just don't get it. We needed to see the rookies 5 games ago or so to evaluate them. Now our 2nd rnd selection is on IR and we have the chance to take a LT in the draft without having a good idea what we have in BC. Such fuging mismanagement
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