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Everything posted by mav1234

  1. I'm not interested in playing any games, but I am here for hilarious Newton typos
  2. The lockerroom is full of dudes from temple and baylor... I don't want to hear from the players on what they think of Rhule.
  3. sure, but also, we invested in players that understand the process. that's why they went to Temple in the first place!
  4. At least some fans have energy left for the team. Many of us just don't.
  5. Tbqh I said WR for a reason, versus receiving corps. I'd love to see 2015 Cam with this group. I think it's better than the 2013 group, which is probably the best Cam probably ever had. Receiving corps is different because we have nothing close to Olsen... But do have CMC...
  6. Why is it strange? Did he go to Temple or Baylor? Why would he be guaranteed field time otherwise? Gotta earn it!
  7. In some respects it feels unfair to Ron to ask how this team has improved since his final year, because the writing was largely on the wall going into that year. I'd say that over Ron's tenure the strong units did fluctuate quite a bit but the weakest unit was WR consistently, and I think that group is stronger now for sure. The overall offense is just such ass it hardly matters.
  8. Rhule was right, analytics are the future! Wow! Just think how good this team must be that only 18 opponents have scored more than 17 or more points. . Clearly amazing coaching
  9. Aspects of the roster are definitely way better. The assistant coaches are way better. Nothing is demonstrating we are a better team, though. Unlike last year, it doesn't seem like it's taking teams a quarter of the season to figure us out.
  10. You know, if we'd come out and thumped either team, neither loss would bother me. But this feels like the last couple years but we skip the first quarter of the season and get right into losing. Edit: didn't even need to thump, just win convincingly and not be desperately clawing on to a small lead in the last seconds....
  11. Early on, I took the multi year thing as more about "building a team that is consistently winning" takes years, rather than winning at all, so you make moves every year to bring in pieces to help that year/longer, so each year is about winning now. That's because one year of success doesn't guarantee more (just like one year of failure doesn't need to), so you always need to be getting better... Ofc Tepper may think it takes 5 years to have a winning record for some reason, who knows. Maybe he buys the Jay Z I will give Rhule something, he's built a level of consistency with his program. Unfortunately it's consistent below average performance.
  12. The team is unquestionably worse than when he took over. The modern NFL has fast turnarounds because good coaching makes up for roster deficiencies. Bad coaching exacerbates them.
  13. The money is a sunk cost. He brought Rhule here to build a winning culture and team and if that isn't happening and continues to look unlikely as it does now, then he's only losing money (such as from fans etc) and more importantly a chance at success by keeping him. If he's committed to winning then it doesn't matter what he's paying him really.
  14. That doesn't make sense. The refs aren't what makes the NFL a great sport. Every sport has shitty calls from their equivalent of refs. Don't disagree on crew vs individual. Ref grades aren't public are they?
  15. I mean, this sounds likely. Rhule is a shitshow and to say he's tied to Snow is an understatement. Everyone can see how snow's defense functions, and it fits these comments. If it's all true I hope trpper steps in sooner than I expected...
  16. Was gonna post this. The only reason I wouldn't be surprised for us to keep Rhule until Dec is because mid season coaching changes virtually never yield improvement, and I don't think we have a clear coach in waiting. That's also when we have our bye. I think the timing depends a lot on what Tepper thinks of our assistant coaches.
  17. Cool stuff, thanks. I still worry about our Run D, but this post has me slightly more optimistic about the game overall.
  18. I'd be fine with him. I suppose it depends how often a coordinator calls plays, what role they have in the team, etc. It feels unfair to loop them all in with Brady... Especially when these guys we usually are talking about have multiple years of NFL experience
  19. yeaah..... Really disappointed... I think it's more than just our coaches, but I suspect they aren't helping.
  20. Yes for sure... WR has been disappointing to me because I expected more out of that group the last couple seasons... I am hoping our young guys find a way to step up but I'm not holding my breath.
  21. I think for QB, RB, and WR, it is too early to tell, but in general it is very possible we are better at all 4, but only by one or two out of ten in each. QB I think is the easiest one to say we likely are - yes Mayfield is going to be worse on some days than Teddy was good on some days, but the ceiling for Teddy was much lower. I think WR we are too, but that may be me undervaluing Samuel versus thinking we could possibly have a 3rd receive in Smith or Saunders. RB may be worse, hard to tell. TE is a push - still nobody worth mentioning. edit: Baker's worst season is arguably pretty close to Teddy's two best seasons, so I'd say Baker is an upgrade for sure.
  22. mav1234


    I'd like to see all these guys with a competent coaching staff, but I think by the time that happens, it may be too late in some cases. Can't help but feel the longer players are left with Rhule the worse they become.
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