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Everything posted by mav1234

  1. Well that looks more like the Baker I remember so... fondly...
  2. Wilks had the perfect opportunity to near lock up the job yesterday - make some half time adjustments and come out and flip the game. Take the NFC South lead. He didn't. He will surely still get an interview but he doesn't seem the right person to turn this team truly around.
  3. Wow, controlling our own destiny in December, what more could you ask for in a football season?!
  4. That I agree with - my post wasn't about one game but the wider context is all, but may not have been clear. Sorry if that was confusing - that's why I asked if you thought they were tanking. It's hard / impossible to truly tank in the NFL intentionally, but at least having a bad coaching staff gets you part way there
  5. In that case I agree with him, haha. Oh by no means do I think Wilks is exceptional as... Well anything... I do not want him back. In the wider scheme of the year I think it's blind to say the team isn't playing harder for him than Rhule but that's all relative. And it doesn't matter if Wilks is better than Rhule. We need more than that. I do think the players kept fighting but I personally think yesterday was less about their own personal motivation and more being outschemed and outmuscled. They got shoved around and outplayed. We made no adjustments. It was like a Rivera team all over again. The inspired word choice was about why the team wasn't going to just give up and/or tank either.
  6. I don't have any clue what you are saying. You asked if I thought the team looked inspired when I was using the word to explain why they weren't going to deliberately tank. I do think that the hope of the playoffs has inspired a change in the team compared to when Rhule was in charge, it doesn't mean the team played "an inspired" game or something.
  7. So you think yesterday was deliberately tanking? Or are you just upset with a particular word choice? It's pretty clear to me they aren't tanking and haven't quit, and still believe they have a shot at the playoffs. Your opinion may differ.
  8. Do you really think they've quit? They were out coached, but I think most still played hard. They were not put in a position to succeed tho. Anyway inspire in this context was used to talk about deliberately losing/tanking - it's very hard to deliberately tank in the NFL. "luckily" for those interested in draft position this team isn't exactly good enough or coached will enough to win consistently.
  9. My only problem with the tanking crowd isn't that they don't want to win, it's the belief that it is at all likely that the team would deliberately put itself in a position to do so - coaches and players are fighting for their next contract, if not their pride, and while most of us know how the playoffs are likely to go even if they happen (one of the teams in this division has to win it lol), that chance alone will inspire the team. I don't begrudge people for seeing tanking as a path to success, and don't think the difference in opinion deserves a personal attack. Lots of personal attacks these days (I'm sure I'm not innocent of that either). Losing for so long saps a lot of the positivity out of the fan base.
  10. Anything is possible once you hit the playoffs, and the Cowboys have looked not good the last couple weeks... But I'm skeptical we'll make it there.
  11. again... you are acting like this is his first loss... what's his record as our HC?
  12. Lol, this division getting a playoff spot is hilarious.
  13. He had a couple underthrows and was slow processing the field on a couple of sacks. However, he was not at all the reason we lost. He actually had some really nice throws downfield, really his best game since coming back by far (and maybe his best as a Panther in that regard tbqh). Playcalling in the redzone was INSANELY bad, too.
  14. Not sure what you mean about going undefeated, this isn't his first loss. He's 4-5 as HC.
  15. The coaches/team will feel they still have a shot at the division, and especially with TB playing Cincy, they are right. So we'll see how it goes...
  16. Half time at home is the perfect time to step up. He had his chance to show he was more than just an effective motivator or wahtever and he didn't.
  17. I give him a B overall because he got these guys playing respectable football again with focus, but he ultimately doesn't seem like he's the kind of coach that is going to take a decent team and make it great... So unsurprising that he can't take a bad team and make it consistently good.
  18. definitely, terrible red zone playcalling. We should have gotten at least 1 TD this half, if not two, if we had competent playcalling.
  19. Darnold isn't good but you can't blame this game on him at all. Is he the answer? No, but the Steelers also aren't a good team and we don't need the answer at QB to beat them.
  20. Wilks is so much better than Rhule, he tricked quite a few people into thinking he was something more than an average coach I think. I really expected Darnold to be why we lost today - not our D just folding when it mattered most. Ick.
  21. I wouldn't say all (I still think Moore is a #1, but not of the same caliber as 89 or other all time greats), but yeah, does seem that way...
  22. When was the last time we saw one of our receivers "work" a CB?
  23. McAdoo not going hurry up at the goal line fuged us, I think we get a TD there if we keep the game moving
  24. yeah pocket was gone, no way Darnold makes it.
  25. not when Darnold had to bail - the pressure was there. Marshall got open after Darnold had already tried to retreat away, but nobody held blocks or anything.
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