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Everything posted by mav1234

  1. Bryce Young wasn't good.... for a veteran. But for his first game, it wasn't bad... the film breakdown supports that IMO. Maybe it's me, but I'm happy when I see a rookie early in the season have a couple of good drives in the game. Ideally we will be seeing development quickly. I get harder on players by the mid and end of the season... but right now, eh... still a lot to learn. He definitely made his share of mistakes. All we've heard suggests he will learn and grow from them... we'll see. And an awesome, incredibly useful thread here. Thanks OP and huddle fans for the good discussions to read so far.
  2. Can't blame the GM for the injury bug that has bit Horn... I don't think Horn had a serious injury history in college, did he? Hopefully he comes back from this quick, but I'm not exactly hopeful for his longevity.
  3. Seems our short yardage problems never are resolved...
  4. Him playing is because both he and the team expect a deal to get done to keep him here, imo, even if they're apart now.
  5. It's okay to be disappointed and even frustrated or say a bit upset that we aren't seeing better play, but realistically this is preseason for a team with new coaches and new players at key positions... Now, preseason isn't inspiring any confidence in me, but eh, it doesn't need to. I'll wait until week 1 to overreact;)
  6. Yeah! We should shut down the teams entire social media presence any time we have a bad preseason game. That'll teach those players to progress!
  7. The issue at hand appears to be he made no money from his own story, not the accuracy of the events. Will see what more comes of it...
  8. QBs are part of setting protections, and these guys are professionals... Plus Bryce, while confident, doesn't sound arrogant. So I think there's no need for worry on it coming off the wrong way. But wow, very impressive for a rookie QB so early in his career...
  9. I'm not sure I agree in all senses; I think we all have a limit on how fast and in what way we can learn complex things... And you can reinforce bad habits or incorrectness if you don't grasp something , not to mention the frustration of just screwing things up for other players. It's why offenses are almost always simpler for rookies and grow thru the season. It's why some coaches are criticized for not having good offenses for rookies, etc... But BY is incredibly smart and by all accounts is picking the offense up extremely fast. So I don't think we are moving him along too fast.
  10. To your point, Smitty had almost 1200 yards and Moose had 800 some... We don't have a single receiver that we could expect to be near Moose or Smitty's abilities in 2003. We actually do have someone that reminds me of Proehl, though, and it's possible TMJ or others step up in unexpected ways...
  11. I think the last couple weeks, for sure. Few weeks is a bit harder. There was a distinct change in atmosphere here a couple weeks before the draft.
  12. Depends when in the draft process. Lots of us preferred stroud at one point or another but weren't exactly anti Bryce and especially in the last few weeks things turned very pro Bryce I think.
  13. Sports is political, no way to get around it easily. Most of ESPN's content is not political at all, it's just bad.
  14. The only way he's replaced in week 4 is if it's due to injury...
  15. I largely think your proportion of total yards makes sense, but I think these numbers would probably mean we're looking at a ~4.1-4.2K yard passing rookie season for Young, which is possible but I think may be a bit high. Each of the last two years, the Colts had ~700 yards receiving by TEs and ~650 by RBs. We certainly have a very good RB threat and I wouldn't be surprised if our TEs got around 600 yards, so I just don't see those kind of numbers.
  16. This is a North American city problem, though. There's worse places for sure, but I agree with you, fwiw.
  17. Yes, I think you're onto something. I think that good safeties - more than good linebackers even - are still important for defenses. But, their skill set is very different now. Explosive passing offenses require different skill sets to defend than primarily rushing offenses and the most gifted pass defenders will naturally end up corners in college rather than safeties. The enforcers, run defenders of the past just seem less critical and they don't get noticed the way, say, corners might.
  18. A bit bigger but it's all perspective. He'll still look small in the huddle etc. It's all good, he'll bulk a little.
  19. The bust term is always associated with where folks are drafted, and so Hurst has, to this point, been a bust. He could still bounce back, and I expect he'll be a solid contributor for us. But we can't pretend he hasn't had an opportunity to show up. He has.
  20. That's probably true, but his averages last year were quite poor. A lot of that is routes and usages but I don't expect him to get say double the targets given the nature of our offense, either.
  21. The stats do not suggest that Theilen is going to have a bounce back year with #1 targets. He basically had his worst season in every statistical category last year and his averages were all down and have been trending as such for a while. I'm happy with the signing but it's because he's a vet and will be a good mentor. I can't imagine him having a year like 2017/2018.
  22. Yeah I mean if we were interested I'd say we would be second of those three. But there's gotta be more teams... All depends on the asking price.
  23. Depends on what Hopkins truly thinks of Watson but I could see the Browns being sleeper contenders for this year. And the Patriots are always solid. We are trending up but I think the Browns are more ready now.
  24. May decide he'd rather have a pay day if no real contenders are willing. We're only associated to drive up his value since we don't have a clear #1 imo
  25. Glad he showed up in a category but I'm not going to read too much into this. He flashed in his second year and I believe we finally have a coaching staff that can develop players (really hard to know exactly how much Rhule hurt or helped different positions). Watching games, though, it felt like our receivers often struggled to get separation when it mattered. That could be scheme etc... Time will tell.
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