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Everything posted by CRA

  1. Yeah but Bennett is not the DE Hardy is. And we have Johnson
  2. We are playing in a division where there is no reason to have a secondaey with so little invested in it. Again, best D in the league the past 2 seasons is what it is bc of there backend.....not DEs
  3. Could be great without him too.... Look at Seattle. You don't just build great defenses on crazy DE play
  4. Now we have figured out the mystery Amazon lube buyer
  5. Depends on your job.... many that post on this board likely would have faced worst disipline. Many less My wife's company would fire her. Mine company likely doesn't...but decent odds exist I would
  6. We all are... And we all have to deal with the results
  7. I'd rather imagine this team with real secondary talent given the choice. We can find ways to generate pressure
  8. Posting here is irrelevant. Verdict doesn't matter. Even if innocent he still shows poor judgement....the type that results in him screwing over his team. Which is what happened and it isn't Hardy hate. It isn't being a Panther fan first. Not being a fan of individuals. Individuals come and go....this fanbase overall IMO gets too attached to players
  9. We ended up as a top 10 D last year without him. That 2nd half of the season D didn't need him....what they needed to put them over the top was secondary talent. Hardy is done. He screwed Carolina. Yet people act like he is the victim still.
  10. I assumed this would have included him inventing time travel during his time off this year and going all Marty McMfly and "we don't need roads". Shame on Voth for keeping the Hardy Fanboys still optimistic.
  11. Had my son 5 weeks before his due date and daughter one week before hers.....babies come when they come. Due dates are educated guesses.... Attention whoring? Not her fault media pimps this story.
  12. Anything can happen at anytime. You can also pin point specific events that present huge life moments In regards to the context of the post you were replying to....Sherman being there isn't suppose to ensure the saftey of the mother or child. Would simply guarantee his presense for any scenario that could present itself (which to some is a really big deal) Everyone is different. That isn't right or wrong. You could present me with any reality on my dream to do list.....for me I would walk away for specific family scenarios. That's me. Isn't others. Again, it isn't about right or wrong. Simply about Sherman can do anything and people should keep there mouth shut
  13. Sherman can play or not play. His choice, his life. Can't bash him either way. Everyone sets there priorities different. Not all football players think the same
  14. Huh? Context is you can't predict childbirth. I work with someone who had a stillbirth. Sadly happens to many. There wasn't anything indicating that would happen or they had higher odds. You go in just like everyone does.... You also can't predict how a mother will deal with it all. Context is.....you can't just pencil in X will happen and just go about your business. Lots of variations occur and every couple unfortunately doesn't have it all play out as X.
  15. Never too late for something to happen to child or mother.... It doesn't always go down the way you believe it will. I know a couple different people that labor didn't go as expected. I can't imagine what they went through...
  16. Carroll already has given Sherman the green light if he wants to go. Family first. Even without the coach going public NFL wouldn't touch Sherman. Saw be league years ago try to fine a guy for bailing on a game for childbirth....NFL realized that doesnt fly.
  17. Labor is a quirky thing....a women's water can break and it could be 36 hrs until the baby arrives or 3 hrs. So if your intent is to see the birth of your child you have to play the waiting game at the hospital. So if she goes into labor before the game it is still a risk to play it.....I would have been fine doing such with one of mine but would have missed the other who came racing out My personal take is Sherman would go against the grain and bails on the game if forced. He isn't your typical player. Would stink regardless for the guy
  18. His kid will have financial security regardless if Sherman does or doesn't play.... And I wouldn't say financial security far outweighs everything....if it did then there wouldn't be countless stories of miserable people with money in the bank or whose families do. Also life is still life. Football players aren't magical fairies. Missing the birth of your child to attend a game you might not even win....could easily be a bigger regret than missing a game. End of the day football is just a highly paid job that last a few years. Life for most will always be bigger than football. Either option. No one should say diddly to about him
  19. Nothing suggests improper pre game testing that has been reported Also, don't forget the NFL went into the game tipped off on NE's cheating ways....which takes away a lot of the defenses that it was something else. They went in on red alert.....they weren't going to do a crap job that week testing. NFL likely made that a point of emphasis since they admit to being tipped off As far as the cameras go.....there is a football game going on and hundreds of people on sidelines. Saying that a camera should of caught something one person did on a sideline otherwise it likely didn't happen seems a bit of a stretch.
  20. There is a window. Can't overinflate either 13.5 is max or they deflate them
  21. No but you could argue it helped them achieve their record and homefield... Bc it doesn't appear to be exclusive to one game....means they always do it
  22. We have the DTs to survive it. Plus running at him just means running at our LBs Pass rush? Wilson doesn't like to stay in the pocket anyway.....he runs out without pressure. Him staying in would be good IMO
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